Entered the Army, 1858: served in the Abyssinian campaign, 1868, and the Afghan War, 1879–80, including the capture of Kandahar: commanded the Eastern District, 1899–1900: Maj-General: C.B.: Lieutenant-Governor of Jersey, 1900–4. ABBOTT, AUGUSTUS (1804–1867)
Born Jan. 7, 1804: son of H. A. Abbott: brother of Sir Frederick, and Sir James A.: educated at Warfield, Winchester, Addiscombe: entered the Bengal Artillery, 1819: served at Bhartpur in 1825–6: in 1838–9 was in the Army of the Indus, in the march to Kandahar, and the pursuit to Girishk, at the siege of Ghazni, and the occupation of Kabul: was in the Kohistan fighting with Sale, and under him, on his return to Jalalabad; commanded the Artillery during the siege of Jalalabad and the defeat of Akbar Khan on April 7, 1842: commanded the Artillery in Pollock's relieving Army, at Tezin on Sep. 12, 1842, and the re-occupation of Kabul: C. B.: Hony. A. D. C. to Governor-Generals: Inspr-General of Ordnance, 1855: retired, 1859: Maj-General, 1860: died Feb. 25, 1867. ABBOTT, SIR FREDERICK (1805–1892)
Brother of Sir James Abbott, and son of Henry Alexius Abbott, a Calcutta merchant: born June 13, 1805: educated at Warfield and Addiscombe: entered Bengal Engineers, 1823: Maj-General, 1858: arrived in India, 1823: in the Burmese war of 1824–26: employed in the P. W. D. and garrison-engineer at Calcutta in 1841: Chief Engineer in Pollock's relieving force in 1842, and at the re-occupation of Kabul: in the first Sikh war and at Sobraon in 1846: directed the bridge and pontoon operations: C. B.: retired in 1847: Lieutenant-Governor of the Addiscombe Military College, 1851–61: knighted, 1854: Member of Council of Military Education, and Commissioner of National Defence: died Nov. 4, 1892. ABBOTT, H. EDWARD STACEY (1855–)
Son of General Abbott, Bengal Infantry: educated at St. Elizabeth College, Guernsey, and R.M.A. Woolwich: entered the Army, 1874: served in India, in the Afghan War, 1878–80: P.W.D. Panjab; Hazara expedition 1888: Under Secretary P.W.D. Panjab: Chitral Relief force, 1895: Superintending Engineer, P. W. D.: Lt.-Colonel R.E.: D.S.O. ABBOTT, SIR JAMES (1807–1896)
Brother of Sir F. Abbott: born March 12, 1807: educated at Blackheath and Addiscombe: entered the Royal Artillery in 1823: arrived in India, 1823: served at Bhartpur, 1825–6: in the Revenue Survey: with the Army of the Indus in 1838–9, to Kandahar: in 1839, with D' Arcy Todd to Herat, and sent by him to Khiva to negotiate with the Khan for the release of Russian captives held by him: on the Khan's behalf crossed the Caspian, and went to St. Petersburg and on to England, 1840: after some political employ, he was Commissioner of Hazara from 1845 to 1853, and held the country against the Sikhs in the second Sikh War, 1848–9: his name is preserved in the town of Abbottabad; commanded a column in the Black Mountain expedition, 1852: C. B., 1873: K. C. B., 1894: General, 1877: retired from the Army, 1879: died Oct. 6, 1896. He was also