Bengal : studied Sanskrit, and laboriously translated a native grammar : became master of the Calcutta Mint : died in India, Sep. 10, 1815.
FORSYTH, JAMES (1838–1871)
Born in 1838 : took his M.A. degree : went to India as acting Conservator of Forests : served in the Central Provinces as Deputy Commissioner of Nimar : joined the Staff Corps : was a keen sportsman : wrote The Sporting Rifle and its Projectiles, 1863 : made a long tour in the Central Provinces, 1862–4, and wrote The Highlands of Central India : Notes on their Forests and Wild Tribes, Natural History and Sports, which appeared in 1871, after his death on May 1, 1871.
FORSYTH, SIR JOHN (1799–1883)
Principal Inspr-General in H.M.S. Indian Medical Department, Bengal : Honorary Physician to Queen Victoria : died Jan. 14, 1883 : C.B., 1862 : K.C.S.I., 1881.
Born 1769 in Dumfriesshire : educated at Glasgow, and at the Divinity Hall, under the Rev. Professor G. Lawson, of the New Burgher Associate Synod : became a tutor at an academy, Islington, and a candidate for missionary work : arrived in Bengal, Dec. 1798, as the first missionary sent out by the London Missionary Society : allowed to preach in Dr. Dunwiddie's lecture-room in Cossitolla, Calcutta : also at the General Hospital and the Fort : held charge of the Settlement Church at Chinsura, and managed a large school there, 1805 : he and Dr. Carey opened the Lai Bazar Chapel, Jan. I, 1809 : died at Chandernagore, Feb. II, 1816.
I.C.S. : son of Thomas Forsyth, merchant : born Oct. 7, 1827 : educated at Sherborne, Rugby and Haileybury : arrived at Calcutta, 1848 : went to the Panjab, after the annexation of 1849 : at the outbreak of the mutiny was Deputy Commissioner of Umballa : reported on the disaffection, and controlled the Sikh States : was a Special Commissioner for punishing the rebels, after the fall of Delhi: Secretary to the Chief Commissioner of Oudh : C.B. : went to Leh in 1867 to promote trade with Turkistan : established the Palampmr fair : sent to Russia on diplomatic mission : obtained from the Russian Government an acknowledgment that certain disputed territories belonged to the Amir of Afghanistan : went in 1870 to Yarkand : in 1872, lost his appointment as Commissioner of Umbala for supporting his subordinate's measures in putting down the Kooka outbreak at Malair Kotla : led a mission to Kashgar, 1873–4 : K.C.S.I. in 1874 : Additional Member of the Governor-General's Legislative Council, 1874 : Envoy to Burma in 1875 : obtained an agreement to the independence of the Karenni states : retired in 1877 : died Dec. 17, 1886.
I.C.S. : born 1784 : son of Gerald Fortescue, Secretary to his cousin Henry Wellesley (1773–1847 : Baron Cowley, 1828), youngest brother of the Marquess Wellesley, who was Lieutenant-Governor of the ceded Province of Oudh from Nov. 1801 to 1803, when he quitted India : Fortescue was Commissioner at Delhi, 1803 : died Sep. 7, 1872.
Born Sep. 16, 1813 : educated at the Edrom Parish School : became a Super-intendent in the Royal Horticultural Society's garden at Chiswick : visited China, Java, Manilla, 1842–6, as collector : to China again in 1848, to collect tea plants and seeds for the E.I. Co. : in 1851 introduced many of them into the N.W.P. : wrote a Report on the Tea Plantations in the N.W.P., and Two Visits to the Tea Countries of China, and the British Plantations in the Himalayas, 1853 : also visited Formosa, and wrote other accounts of his travels in the Far East : died April 13, 1880.
Son of Edward Foster : entered the Army, 1836 : served with the 16th Lancers in the Afghan war, 1841–2, under Sir J. Keane : at Ghazni : at Maharajpur, 1843 : and in the Satlaj campaign, 1846 :