in the Bombay Town Hall : he had a high reputation in the commerical world, and had done much to develop the country, and raise the status of the natives : he steadily demanded justice for India in Parliament and the Court of Proprietors of the E.I. Co. : became Forbes of Newe : made Baronet in 1823 : died Nov. 20, 1849.
FORBES, DAVID (1777?–1849)
Son of a Scottish minister, joined the 78th Highlanders, 1790: served in the Netherlands, at Quiberon and Belle Isle : went to India in 1796 : escorted Sir John Shore to Lucknow in 1798 to depose Wazir Ali (q.v.) : in the Mahratta campaign of 1803 : at Ahmadnagar, etc. : in the Java expedition of 1811–13 under Sir S. Auchmuty, led the assaults at Waltevreede and Cornells : was at Probolingo (in Java) in 1813 : Lt-Colonel, 1814 : returned home in 1817, the only officer of forty-two who had gone out : C.B., 1838 : Maj-General, 1846 : died March 29, 1849.
FORBES, DUNCAN (1798–1868)
Born April 28, 1798, of poor parents : became a village schoolmaster : went to Perth Grammar School, 1818 : M.A. of St. Andrew's in 1823, and LL.D. in 1847 : taught in Calcutta, at the Calcutta Academy, 1823–6 : became assistant teacher of Hindustani in London, 1826 : Professor of Oriental languages at King's College, London, taking pupils, 1837–61 : made a catalogue of the Persian MSS. at the British Museum, 1849–55 : wrote a History of Chess, including its invention in India : also a number of works, grammars, dictionaries, manuals in Oriental languages, Arabic, Persian, Hindustani, Bengali : so that his name, though he made no claim to profound scholarship, is well known to students : Member of the Royal Asiatic Society : died Aug. 17, 1868.
Of Inverarnan, Aberdeenshire : born June 10, 1817 : entered 3rd Bombay Light Cavalry (now 33rd Queen's Own Light Cavalry), 1835 : became Colonel, 1864 : General, 1886 : served in the field Force in Sind : at the siege of the Kojak : in Afghanistan, 1841–2, including the advance on Kandahar, Ghazni and Kabul, action at Guine, under Genl. Nott : in the Field Force in Sind in 1843 : at the battle of Hyderabad : in the Persian 'expeditionary force, 1856–7, at the assault and capture of the fort of Reshire : of the surrender of Bushire : at Barazjan and in action of Khushab (severely wounded) : Brevet-Major : C.B. : with the Central Indian Field Force from capture of Jhansi and siege of Ratghar to the fall of Kalpi : Brevet-Colonel : present at the battle of Solferino with the staff of the King of Italy : commanded a Division of the Bombay Army, 1876–81 : K.C.B., 1881 : appointed Hon. Col. 33rd Queen's Own Light Cavalry, 1904 : G.C.B.
I.C.S. : born March 29, 1820 : son of Gordon Forbes, B.C.S. : educated at Cheam and Haileybury, 1836–8 : went to Madras, 1838 : was Collector of Ganjam, 1858–67. and did good work in the famine relief operations, 1866–7 : Member of the Board of Revenue, Madras, and Additional Member of the Governor-General's Legislative Council : retired, 1874 : died April 26, 1893 : wrote Wild Life in Canara, a work on Natural History and Sport : helped to found a charity in Madras for the relief of destitute Europeans in India.
FORBES, JAMES (1749–1819)
I.C.S. : born in 1749 : went out to Bombay in 1765 : was Private Secretary to Col. Keating in 1775 and Chaplain of the force in the expedition to assist Raghoba : held minor charges in India, but made a competency and left India in 1784 with 150 volumes of materials, including drawings, of Indian subjects : after the rupture of the Peace of Amiens he was detained in France till 1804, when he returned to England : published his Oriental Memoirs, in four volumes, 1813–5 : F.R.S. and F.S.A : Montalembert, the historian, was his grandson : died Aug. I, 1819.
Born March 12, 1851, in Switerzland : son of a Protestant pastor : educated at home and New Orleans : studied medicine, graduated. Doctor : Assistant Surgeon at a hospital : turned to languages : travelled among American Indian tribes : to Europe, 1875, to Leipzig : studied Sanskrit, Pali,