influence. "To form the mind of those young men, many of whom, as magistrates and judges, were to affect the interests of thousands and millions, was to him a duty of a solemn, or rather of a sacred, kind." He died Dec. 10, 1852.
Son of Lt-General Richard England : born in 1793 : educated at Winchester and the Royal Military College, Marlow : entered the Army in 1808 : served in the Walcheren expedition, Sicily, Canada, at the Cape as Brig.-General, in the Kafir war, 1836-7 : went to Belgaum in 1839 : commanded a Bombay Division in 1841 : after a repulse at Haikalzai on March 28, 1842, he joined General Nott at Kandahar, and in the defeat of Akbar Khan at the Kojak : in the retirement in 1842 from Kandahar, he commanded tho force through the Bolan into Sind : but his operations were generally wanting in success : K.C.B. in 1843 : commanded a Division in the Crimea in 1854-5, and was at Alma, Inkerman, the Redan, and distinguished himself : G.C.B., 1856 : General, 1863 : retired, 1877 : died Jan. 19, 1883.
Maj-General : entered the Army in 1833 : in the mutiny, with a wing of the 53rd regt., defeated 1,000 mutineers, chiefly of the Ramghar battalion : C.B. : cleared Bihar and defeated mutineers at Gopalganj : in a number of other actions : commanded the 53rd at the siege and capture of Lucknow : at Faizabad and Tulsipur : Maj-General, 1864 : died Nov. 5, 1878.
I.C.S. : son of William Erskine (q.v.) : born 1832 : arrived at Bombay, 1853 : Commissioner of the Northern Division, 1877-9 : Commissioner in Sind, 1879-87 : died Dec. 4, 1893.
I. C.S. : son of William Erskine (q.v.) : born May 20, 1821 : educated at St. Andrew's and Haileybury : went to Bombay, 1840 : was Private Secretary, 1843-6, to Sir G. Arthur, Governor of Bombay : Secretary to Government of Bombay in the General and Judicial Department, 1854 : first Director of Public Instruction in W. India, 1855-9 : Additional Member of the Governor-General's Legislative Council, 1860 : Vice-Chancellor of the Calcutta University : Judge of the Bombay High Court, 1862-3 : Member of Council, Bombay, Oct. 1865, to May 1867 : retured, 1867 : died June 5, 1893.
ERSKINE, WILLIAM (1773–1852)
Son of David Erskine : born Nov. 8, 1773 : educated at the Royal High School and Edinburgh University : was a lawyer's apprentice, 1792-9 : went to India in 1803-4 with Sir James Mackintosh : at Bombay he became clerk to the Small Cause Court, a stipendiary magistrate. Secretary and Vice-President to the Literary Society—to which he contributed numerous articles on the Parsis, their language, religion and literature, and on the Buddhists, etc. : became Master in Equity in the Recorder's Court in 1820 : was a Member of Mountstuart Elphinstone's Committee for framing the Bombay code of Regulations : he left India in 1823, having lost his legal offices on a charge of defalcations : in 1826 he published his translation of Babar's autobiographical memoirs from a Persian version, with a full commentary, a standard work. He was Provost of St. Andrew's, 1836-9 : died at Edinburgh, May 20, 1852 : wrote History of India under Babar and Humayun, edited by his son, 1854.
ESDAILE, JAMES (1808–1859)
Son of Rev. Dr. Esdaile : born Feb. 6, 1808 : graduated as M.D. at Edinburgh in 1830 : reached Calcutta in the E.I. Co.'s medical service in 1831 : in charge of the Hughli hospital in 1838 : devoted himself to the study of mesmerism and performed some surgical operations by its aid as an anaesthetic with remarkable success : his experiments were scientifically investigated, and he was made Superintendent of a small hospital for mesmerism in 1846, and Presidency Surgeon. Disliking India, he retired in 1851 : wrote Mesmerism in India and its Practical Application in Surgery and Medicine, Natural and Mesmeric Clairvoyance and other medical works : died Jan. 10, 1859.