A.D.C. = Aide de Camp.
A.G. = Adjutant-General.
A.A.G. = Assistant Adjutant-General.
D.A.G.= Deputy Adjutant-General.
D.A.A.G. = Deputy Assistant Adjutant-General.
A.G.G. = Agent to the Governor-General.
A.M.D. = Army Medical Department.
B.A. = Bachelor of Arts.
B.C.S. = Bengal Civil Service.
B.L. = Bachelor of Law, or of Letters.
Bo.C.S. = Bombay Civil Service.
C.B. = Companion of the Bath.
C.I.E. = Companion of the Indian Empire.
C. in C. = Commander in Chief.
C.I. = Crown of India.
C.J. = Chief Justice.
C.M.G. = Companion of St. Michael and St. George.
C.M.S. = Church Missionary Society.
C.O. = Commanding Officer.
C.S.I. = Companion of the Star of India.
C.V.O. = Commander of the Royal Victorian Order.
D.C.L. = Doctor of Civil Law.
D.D. = Doctor of Divinity.
D.I.G. = Deputy Inspector-General.
D.L. = Deputy Lieutenant.
„ Doctor of Laws.
D.N.B. = Dictionary of National Biography.
D.S.O. = Distinguished Service Order.
E.I.Co. = East India Company.
F.G.S. = Fellow of the Geological Society.
F.I.C = Fellow of Institute of Chemistry.
F.I.I. = Fellow of Institute of Journalists.
F.L.S. = Fellow of the Linnaaan Society
F.M. = Field Marshal
F.R.A.S.= Fellow of the Asiatic Society.
F.R.C.I. = Fellow of the Colonial Institute.
F.R.C.P. = Fellow of the College of Physicians.
F.R.C.S. = Fellow of the Royal College of Surgeons.
F.R.C.V.S. = Fellow of the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons.
F.R.G.S. = Fellow of the Royal Geographical Society.
F.R.S. = Fellow of the Royal Society.
F.R.S.E. = Fellow of the Royal Society of Edinburgh.
F.S.A.S. = Fellow of the Society of Antiquaries.
F.S.A. = Fellow of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland
F.S.S. = Fellow of the Statistical Society.
F.S.S.A. = Fellow of the Society of Science and Art.
F.Z.S. = Fellow of the Zoological Society.
G.C.B. = Knight Grand Cross of the Bath.
G.C.H. = Knight Grand Cross of the Order of the Guelphs.
G.C.I.E. = Knight Grand Commander of the Indian Empire.
G.C.M.G. = Knight Grand Cross of St. Michael and St. George.
G.C.S.I. = Knight Grand Commander of the Star of India.
G.C.V.O. = Knight Grand Cross of the Royal Victorian Order.
G.M.I.E. = Grand Master Indian Empire.
G.M.S.I. = Grand Master of the Star of India.
H.B.M. = His (or Her) Britannic Majesty.
H.E.I.C.S. = Honourable East India Company's Service.