Son of the Right Honble. William Dowdeswell : born 1761 : entered the Army, 1780 : M.P. for Tewkesbury, 1792 : was in the campaign of 1793, at Valenciennes, and at Dunkirk : Governor of the Bahamas, 1797–1802 : Private Secretary to Lord W. Bentinck, Governor of Madras, 1803 : commanded a Division under Lord Lake against Bhartpur, and later the Cawnpur Division : acted as C. in C. in India in 1807 : soon left India : Lt-General, 1810 : retired 1811 : became a collector of valuable prints : died Dec. I, 1828. DOWDESWELL, GEORGE (1765–1852)
Son of George Dowdeswell, M.D. : in the E. I. Co'.s Civil Service : became Secretary to the Government of India : and Member of the Supreme Council, Dec. 1814, to Jan. 1820 : Vice-President of the Council and Deputy-Governor of Bengal, Oct. 1817, to July 1818 : died Feb. 6, 1852. DOWSON, JOHN (1820–1881)
Born 1820 : assistant to his uncle at the Royal Asiatic Society : tutor at Hailey-bury : Professor of Hindustani at University College, London, and Staff College, Sandhurst, 1855–77 : wrote a Hindustani Grammar : edited Sir H. M. Elliot's History of India as told by its own Historians, 8 vols., 1867–77 : and a Classical Dictionary of Hindu Mythology and Religion, Geography, History and Literature, 1879 : wrote also for the Encyclopcsdia Britannica, and the Royal Asiatic Society, on Indian In- scriptions and the Indian Alphabet : died Aug. 23, 1881. D'OYLY, SIR CHARLES, BARONET (1781–1845)
I.C.S. : son of Sir John Hadley D'Oyly, the sixth Baronet, Collector of Calcutta : born in India, Sep. 18, 1781 : educated in England : entered the E. I. Co.'s service at 15 : Assistant Registrar of the Court of Appeal, Calcutta, 1798 : Collector of Dacca, 1808 : Opium Agent in Bihar, 1821 : Commercial Resident at Patna, 1831 : Senior Member of the Board of Customs, Salt and Opium, 1833 : retired 1839 : died Sep. 24, 1845. He is best remembered for his pictures of Indian scenery and Indian life. He wrote The European in India, Antiquities of Dacca, Tom Raw the Griffin, and other works, with many illustrations. DRAKE, ROGER ( ? - ? )
A noted official in the time of Lord Clive : arrived in Bengal, May 26, 1737 : President of Council and Governor of Calcutta from Aug. 8, 1752 to 1758 : ho gave offence to Suraj-ud daula, the new Nawab of Bengal, by a letter with regard to the strengthening of the fortifications of Calcutta : the attack on the City followed : Drake escaped in the last boat that left the Fort, 1756 : his desertion of his post brought reproach upon him, and J . Z. Holwell (q.v.), who had stayed behind, was chosen to the command : Drake was dismissed from his post by the Directors, 1757. DRAPER, ELIZABETH (1744–1778)
Daughter of Major Sclater : born at Anjengo, April 5, 1744 : educated in England : went to India, Dec. 1757 : married in July, 1758, Daniel; Draper, of the E.I. Co.'s Civil Service, Secretary to Government, 20 years her senior. When in England in 1766–7, she met Lawrence Sterne, the humourist, who became infatuated with her, addressing her as "Bramine" in amorous letters, and writing the Journal to Eliza for her. She returned to India in 1767, and saw Sterne no more : lived with her husband at Tellicherry, Surat and Bombay, but unhappily, and, on Jan. 12, 1773, fled from his house at Mazagon, Bombay, with a Naval officer, repairing to her uncle's at Rajamundry : returned to England in 1774. Sterne had died in 1768. She published as Letters of Yorick to Eliza, some of Sterne's letters to her, including her answers. She died Aug. 3, 1778, and was buried in the Cathedral cloisters; at Bristol. Draper became a Member of Council, at Bombay, and died Oct. 10, 1782. Her name and story were recalled, by L'Abbe Raynal, who had seen her in India, and by James Forbes in his Oriental Memoirs, and some of her letters have been preserved. DRAPER, SIR WILLIAM (1721–1787)
Son of Ingleby Draper : born 1721 : educated' at Eton and King's College,