St. Petersburg ; where he was Private Docent of Sanskrit from 1889, and
afterwards Professor till 1899 : Member of the Imperial Academy of Sciences, 1900 Perpetual Secretary of the Academy, 1904 Cand. Faculty Oriental Languages, 1885 Mag. Sanskrit Literature, 1894 : since 1898 Hon. Secy, of the Oriental Section of the Russian Imperial Archaeological Society : Member of Council of the R.I. Geographical Society : Member of the Russian Committee for the Exploration of Central Asia : has written on Buddhism, Indian Art, Comparative Literature : edits the Bibliotheca Buddhica for the Imperial Academy. DONALD, DOUGLAS (1865–)
Born Nov. 19, 1865 : son of C. J. S. Donald, Panjab Provincial Civil Service : educated at Bishop Cotton's School, Simla : joined the Panjab Police Force, 1888 : appointed Commandant B.M. Police, Kohat, 1890 : served under Sir William Lockhart in the Miranzai expedition, 1891 : with Colonel Haughton, 36th Sikhs, during the attack on Samana posts, and subsequently in the Tirah Field Force : went to the Khyber, 1898, and to Kohat, 1899. Author of Note on Adan Kheyl Afridis : C.I.E., 1903. DONKIN, SIR RUFANE SHAW (1773–1841)
Son of General Robert Donkin : born 1773 : educated at Westminster : entered the Army in 1778 : Lieutenant, 1779 : Captain, 1793 : served in the West Indies, at Copenhagen, in Sicily and the Peninsula, and, as Maj-General in 181 1, went out in 18 15 to Madras and Bengal, where he commanded a Division in the Mahratta war of 1817–8, with skill : K.C.B., 1818 : acted as Governor of the Cape : he became G.C.H., F.R.S., F.R.G.S. : was M.P. for Berwick and for Sandwich : was Surveyor of the Ordnance : General, 1838 : died May I, 1841 : was a student, and contributed literary papers to Journals. DORAN, SIR JOHN (1824–1903)
Born Oct. I, 1824 : entered the Bengal Army, 1842 : served in Satlaj campaign, 1845–6 : Hazara expedition, 1852–3 : Oudh campaign, 1858–9 : China war, 1860 : Lushai expedition, 1871–2 : Jowaki-Afridi expedition, 1877–8 : Afghan war. 1878–80 : C.B. in 1872, and K.C.B. in 1898 : Lt-General, 1887 : died Sep. 29, 1903. DORIN, JOSEPH ALEXANDER (1802–1872)
I.C.S. : son of a merchant : born Sep. 15, 1802 : educated at Henley and Haileybury : reached India in 1821, and joined the Financial Department, in which he continued throughout his career, never leaving Calcutta : was Secretary to the Bank of Bengal, 1829 : Deputy Accountant-General : and reorganized the Indian finances : the first Financial Secretary in Jan. 1843 : Member of the Supreme Council from May 10, 1853, to May 1, 1858 : partly under Dalhousie, partly under Canning. Against Lord Dalhousie' s views, he, as President in Council, advocated the annexation of Oudh, which was carried out. In the mutiny, he urged the adoption of severe military measures, being one of the first to realize the character of the revolt. His "hospitable establishment" was remembered for many years. After retirement, his name was more than once considered for a seat in the Council of India, but he never obtained it : died Dec. 22, 1872. DORMER, HON. SIR JAMES CHARLEMAGNE (1834–1893)
Lt-General : son of nth Baron Dormer : born 1834 : entered the 13th regt., 1853 : in the Crimea : in the mutiny, at the relief of Azimghar,in the campaignin Gorakhpur : A.D.C. to Sir Colin Campbell : in Oudh and Trans-Gogra campaign : Brevet-Major : went to China in 1860 as A.A.G. : at the Taku forts and entry to Pekin : served on the Staff ; Colonel, 1875 : in Egypt in 1882, as D.A.G. : at Alexandria, Tel-el-Kebir, etc. : Maj-General : Nile expedition, 1885 : commanded the Nile Field Force : and the troops in Egypt, 1887–90 : C. in C. Madras, March 6, 1891 : C.B., 1881 : K.C.B., 1889 : mauled by a tiger, and died from the wounds. May 3, 1893. DORWARD, SIR ARTHUR ROBERT FORD ( ? )
Entered the Royal Engineers, 1868 : served in the Afghan war, 1878–80 : Burmese expedition, 1885–8, when he was made Brevet-Major and D.S.O. :