educated at the Hindu College, 1833–7, and at the Medical College, Calcutta, where he took his degree, 1838 : accepted service in the N.W.P., and placed in charge of the Delhi Dispensary, Aug., 1839 : died 1840.
DEY, RAM DULAL (1759–1825)
Born near Dum Dum, 1759 : employed in a subordinate capacity in mercantile work, as a bill-collector, and a Sarkar of ships : one day, on behalf of his master, he bid at an auction for a lost ship, and bought it for Rs. 14,000 : he immediately was offered one lakh more for the same ship : his master gave one lakh to Ram Dulal, who, with this capital, started business, and acquired immense wealth : died in Calcutta, in 1825, leaving property of fabulous amount : remembered as the Bengali millionaire.
DICK, GEORGE (1739–1818)
Entered the E. I. Co.'s service in 1759 : was Accountant and Director of the Company's Bank : rose to be the Governor of Bombay, 1792–5 : never left Bombay but once for a trip to Bankot : died May 9, 1818.
Born about 1785, his father being in the E. I.] Co.'s medical service : entered the 75th regt. in 1800 : served in Sicily, Egypt, the Peninsula, being present at several battles : C.B., 1814 : in Flanders : at Waterloo : K.C.H. in 1832 : Maj-General, 1837 : K.C.B. in 1838 : commanded a Division in Madras, 1838, and acting C. in C. there, 1841–2 : commanded a Division in Bengal, and an infantry Division in the first Sikh war : was killed at Sobraon, Feb. 10, 1846, by one of the last shots of the day.
Lt-Colonel : son of Sir William Hanmer Dick-Cunyngham, Bart. : entered the 92nd Highlanders, 1872 : Lt-Colonel, 1897, in the Gordon Highlanders : in the Afghan war, 1879–80, in Sir Donald Stewart's advance to Kandahar : in the Thai Chotiali force : in the Kuram Valley Field Force under Sir F. Roberts : at Ali Khel : at Charasia : in the operations round Kabul, 1879 : gained the V.C. for gallantry in an attack on Dec. 13, 1879 : in the Kabul-Kandahar march and subsequent battle : with his regt. in theBoer war: killed at Ladysmith, Jan. 6, 1900, while commanding the 2nd battalion.
Colonel : born March 19, 1834 : son of Stephen Dickens, M.D.,D.I.G.of Hospitals, Bengal : educated at Blundell's, Twerton, Charterhouse and Addiscombe : entered the Madras Army, 1853 : joined the Madras Staff Corps: Lt-Colonel, 1879: Brevet-Colonel, 1883 : Colonel-Commandant, 3rd Madras L.I., 1884 : served in the Burmese expedition in command of the Toungoo and Ningyan (Pyinmana) column, 1885–7 : D.S.O., 1887 : C.B., 1891 : on the unemployed Supernumerary List.
DICKINSON, JOHN (1815–1876)
Born Dec. 28, 1815 : educated at Eton : son of a papermaker : entered no profession, but took up an independent line as a reformer of India : wrote letters on the cotton and roads of Western India, 1851 : became Honorary Secretary of the "Indian Reform Society," formed in 1853, and was made its Chaurman on John Bright's resignation of that office in 1861 : maintained a correspondence with the Maharaja Holkar of Indore : wrote India, its Government under a Bureaucracy, in 1852, and Dhar not restored, in 1864, besides other pamphlets and papers on Indian subjects : died Nov. 23, 1876.
DIGBY, WILLIAM (1849–1904)
Son of William Digby : born May I, 1849 : educated privately : became a journalist in 1868 in England : in Ceylon, 1871–6 : Editor of Madras Times, 1877–9 : wrote some interesting articles on old Madrasis : returned to England : became Secretary of National Liberal Club in 1887 : connected with the Indian National Congress : Editor of India, 1890–2 : Secretary of Famine Fund for Southern India, for which £800,000 were subscribed : contested two Parliamentary seats without success : author of The Famine Campaign in Southern India, 1876–8; Indian Problems for English Consideration; India for the Indians; Prosperous British India, 1901; Life of Sir Arthur Cotton, etc. etc. :