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successful as a teacher of philosophy, but lost his appointment, though the charges against him, of propagating atheism and encouraging disobedience, failed : still continued to exercise great influence over his former pupils, many of whom became distinguished men : contributed to journalism and established a newspaper, the East Indian. His name is still revered in his community as a great teacher. He died of cholera, Dec. 23, 1831 : he wrote the Fakir of Jungheera and other poems.

DE SALIS, RODOLPH (1811–1880)

Lt.-General : son of Jerome, Count de Salis : born May, 1811 : entered the Army in 1830 : Lt-Colonel, 1854 : served with the 8th Hussars in Turkey and the Crimea, in all the battles : commanded the regt. in the mutiny, in Rajputana and Central India, present at Kotah, Chandairi, Kotahkasarai, Gwalior, Powri, and several other engagements : C.B., 1861 : Lt-General, 1877 : died March 13, 1880.


Son of Laurence de Souza : educated at Downside College, Somerset : Consul for Portugal at Calcutta, 1870–8, Consul General, 1878–84 : Member for West-minster on the London County Council, 1895 : very philanthropic and munificent in his benefactions to charities, for which he was knighted, 1879 : Count of the Roman Empire, and held other foreign distinctions : died April 13, 1897.


Born Jan. 7, 1845, at Oberdreis near Coblenz : son of Adam Deussen, pastor : educated at Schulpforta near Naumburg : studied at Bonn, Tiibingen and Berlin : Sanskrit under Lassen and Gildemeister, classical philology, theology : Phil. Dr. at Marburg, 1869 : teacher at the Gymnasiums at Minden and Marburg, 1869–72, and tutor in Russian families at Geneva, Aix-la-Chapelle, and Terny in Russia, 1872–80 : taught philosophy (the subject to which he was chiefly devoted) and Sanskrit, as Privat-docent at the University of Geneva : and philosophy at the Polytechnical School at Aix-la-Chapelle, 1875–9. While at Geneva, his resolution was made to devote his life to the study of Indian philosophy (1873). Since his return from Russia, and residence in Berlin, from 1881 to 1889, this has been his main work : taught philosophy at Berlin University, first as Privat-docent, then as Professor : since 1889, Ordinary Professor of Philosophy at the University of Kiel : has travelled much in various parts of the world : over the greater part of India, 1892–3. In 1904, the Order of the Red Eagle, 4th Class, was conferred upon him. Among his chief works may be mentioned : Das System des Vedanta, 1883 : Die Sutras des Vedanta, 1887 : On the Philosophy of the Vedanta in its relations to Occidental Metaphysics, Bombay, 1893; Sechzig Upanishads des Veda, 1897 : Geschichie der Philosophie (I and II on the Vedic Hymns and Upanishads : III-VI in preparation), 1894, 1899 : "Outlines of Indian Philosophy," in the Indian Antiquary, 1902 : Erinnerungen an Indien, 1904.


Son of an artist : born Aug. 10, 1763 : at the age of 20 appointed by the E. I. Co. draughtsman to an expedition : wrecked in the Antelope : went to Macao and Canton, and arrived in Calcutta about 1791 : returned to England, 1795 : painted a picture of "Cornwallis receiving the two sons of Tippoo Sahib as Hostages" for the treaty of 1792 : painted 30 pictures of Indian subjects : also the death of Nelson in the Victory : exhibited 65 pictures in the Academy, 1779–1821 : died Feb. IT, 1822.


Born July 23, 1833 : succeeded his father in the title, 1891 : educated at Trinity College, Cambridge : M.P from 1857 : held a number of appointments in the Governments since 1862 : as Marquis of Hartington was Secretary of State for India from April, 1880, to Dec. 1882 : K.G. : P.C. : D.C.L. : LL.D.

DEY, RAJ KRISHNA ( ? –1840)

Doctor : was the first Hindu who used a dissecting knife, and was regarded, therefore, as the leader of a reformation in medical science among his countrymen :

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