ing this time, he arranged for the continuation of the Umbeyla campaign
against the Sitana stronghold of Hindustani fanatics.considering that a retirement from the expedition would be unwise : went home from Madras in March, 1866 : died Jan. 19, 1871 : wrote Varieties of Viceregal Life and essays on social and educational subjects.
Served in Sonthal campaign, 1855–6; Indian mutiny, 1857–8 : Political Agent, Dholpur, Rajputana, 1879–85 : extra Groom in Waiting to Queen Victoria, 1888, and to H.M. the King, 1901 : K.C.I.E., 1896.
Born about 1785 : son of Henry Dennie : joined the 22nd regt., 1802, in India : served in Lord Lake's campaigns, 1804–5 : at the taking of the Mauritius, 1810 : in the 13th regt. in the first Burmese war : Brevet-Lt-Colonel : C.B. : in the Afghan war, 1838–9 : commanded a Brigade : led the storming party at Ghazni : to Kabul: defeated part of Dost Muhammad's army at Bameean, Sep. 18, 1840 : after which the Dost surrendered: went with Sir R. Sale's force from Kabul to Jalalabad, 1841 : in the siege there, Nov. 1841–April 1842 : commanded after Sale was wounded : was fatally wounded in a sortie on April 6, 1842 : was A.D.C. to the Queen : his services inadequately recognized : wrote a Narrative of Campaigns in Sind, Beluchistan, and Afghanistan, published 1843.
Born at Russeignies, in Belgium, Jan. 28, 1822 : entered the Society of Jesus, 1842 : educated at Belgium Colleges for 5 years : ordained : took his last vows, Oct. 1859 : reached Calcutta, Nov. 1859, with a small pioneer Jesuit mission and leopened St. Xavier's College, Jan. 16, 1860 : was military chaplain at Fort William, 1860–4 : when he returned to St. Xavier's : as Superior, raised the number of pupils from 100 to 500 : re-signed the Rectorship' of St. Xavier's, Oct. 1871 : went to take charge of the Mission at Midnapur, but was transferred to Bombay, managing for 6 years a new St. Xavier's there : to Belgium : thence led the "Zambesi" Jesuit Mission to S. Africa, 1879 : crushed in an accident, 1882 : to Belgium, 1883 : returned to India, Jan. 1888, to be the Rector of St. Joseph's Seminary at Darjeeling : erected the St. Joseph's College at North Point there, and was its Superior till his death. May 26, 1900.
Son of fourteenth Earl of Derby, thrice Prime Minister : born July, 1826 : educated at Rugby and Trinity College, Cambridge : M.P. for King's Lynn, 1848 : travelled widely in N. and S. America : visited India, 1851–2 : Under Secy, for the Colonies, 1852 : Secretary for the Colonies, 1858 : was in charge of the Bill for transferring in 1858 the Government of India from the E. I. Company to the Queen : Secretary of State for India from Sep. 2, 1858, to June 18, 1859 : made Foreign Secretary : became Earl in 1869 : again Foreign Secretary : resigned, March, 1878 : Colonial Secretary in Mr. Gladstone's Government : presided over Royal Commissions : died April 21, 1893.
Born May 6, 1829 : son of Thomas De Renzy : educated at Trinity College, Dublin : entered the Bengal Medical Service, 1851 : present at the capture of Rangoon, 1852 : served in the mutiny, 1857–8 : siege and capture of Lucknow, 1858 : Naga campaign and capture of Khonoma, 1879, as P.M.O. : First Sanitary Commissioner of the Panjab : Surgeon-General : retired, 1882 : was made a K.C.B. 1902 : author of several Sanitary Reports.
Eurasian poet and teacher : born in Calcutta, April 10, 1809 : son of Francis Derozio, a Calcutta merchant : educated at Drummond's Academy in Dharmtala : left school at 14 for commercial work, which he gave up, joining an uncle in indigo at Bhagalpur. At 18 he published a volume of poems and obtained a teachership at the Hindu College : was very