Roberts' march from Kabul to Kandahar and the battle there : served in Marri expedition under General Macgregor : in Boer war with Natal Field Force, 1881, and in Egyptian war, 1882 : present at Tel-el-Kebir : served under Sir Charles Warren in Bechuanaland, 1884 : A.D.C. to H.R.H. The Duke of Cambridge, 1890–5 : Equerry in Waiting to Queen Victoria, 1896–1901,
and to the King : C.B. in 1902 : C.V.O.
Colonel : born May 24, 1810 : son of Sir David Davidson : educated privately and at Edinburgh : went to India as a military cadet, 1826 : joined the 16th N.I. : A.D.C. to Lord W. Bentinck in Madras : in 1836, joined Sir R. Grant's Staff, when Governor of Bombay : commanded a regiment of the Nizam's cavalry : first Assistant at Hyderabad under General Low and General Eraser : Resident at Baroda for 3 years : Resident at Hyderabad, 1857–62 : helped to bring Sir Salar Jang into office as Prime Minister : in the formidable attack on the Residency, July 17, 1857 : his life was attempted in the Nizam's Darbar, March 15, 1859 : C.B. after the mutiny : distinguished for his courage, composure and resolution : died Aug. 2, 1862.
Colonel : son of Alexander Davidson, M.D. : born 1845 : educated at Winchester : entered the Army, 1863 : joined the Panjab Cavalry, 1866 : A.A.G. Panjab Frontier Force, 1875 : served in the Jowaki-Afridi expedition, 1877–8 : D.A.Q.M.G., Afghan campaign, 1878–9 : A.Q.M.G., Waziri expedition, 1880 : Military Secretary, Panjab Government, 1885–6 : Colonel on Staff, Chitral, 1896–8 : C.B. : Author of Notes on Bashgalt-Kafir Language, 1902.
Born Nov. 29, 1857 : son of Maj-General Horatio Nelson Davies : educated at Wellington College : joined the Devon Regt., 1876 : served as D.A.A.G. in Burma, 1894–7 : in the Afghan war, 1880 : the Wuntho expedition in Burma, 1892 : commanded the Kachen Hills expedition in Burma, 1893 : in the Tirah expedition, 1897, and in the South African war, 1899–1902, including relief of Ladysmith : Brevet Lt-Colonel, and D.S.O.
I.C.S. : son of Sir David Davies, K.C.H., Physician to William IV : educated at Charterhouse and Haileybury, 1841–3 : went to the N.W.P. in the Civil Service, 1844 : in the mutiny, served with the troops in the Benares Division : was besieged at Azimghar, while Magistrate : was in the pursuit of Kooer Singh : Secretary to the Panjab Government, 1859 : Financial Commissioner in Oudh, 1864 : Chief Commissioner of Oudh, 1865–71 : Lieutenant-Governor of the Panjab, Jan., 1871, to April, 1877 : K.C.S.1. 1874 : C.I.E. 1877 : Member of the Council of India, March, 1885–95 : died Aug. 23, 1902.
Maj-General : son of Dr. S. Davies : educated at London University College School : entered the Bengal Army, 1839 : served on the Peshawar frontier under Sir Colin Campbell : appointed Assistant Commissioner in the Panjab : Financial Commissioner, 1883 : Member of the Governor-General's Legislative Council : as Commissioner of Delhi was President of the Executive Committee of the Imperial Assemblage, 1877 : C.S.I. : retired, 1887 : K.C.S.I. : died June 12, 1898.
Born March .29, 1846 : son of Dr. W. A. Davis : educated at Queen's College, Belfast : entered Bengal Medical Service, 1869, and became Surgeon-Colonel, 1897 : served in Mahsud-Waziri expedition, 1881 : Miranzai expedition, 1891 : Hazara expedition, 1891 : as P.M.O. in Waziristan expedition, 1894–5 : as P.M.O. in Tirah expedition, 1897–8 : was present at Dargai : in China expedition, 1901 : C.B. in 1898, and D.S.O., 1895 : is Principal Medical Officer, Panjab Frontier Force.
DAVIS, SAMUEL (1760–1819)
Went to Bengal as an officer of Engineers : was an excellent artist : accompanied Turner's Embassy to Tibet in 1783, but he himself did not advance