Essays, published 1895 : was an Editor of the Revue Critique, and, later, of the Revue de Paris : wrote in them, and in the Journal des Debals, critical notices of books and Oriental essays : wrote on the mythology of the Avesta, 1875 : Ormuzd et Ahriman, 1877 : Essais Orientaux, 1883 : also on the History of the Jewish People, in the Nouvelle Revue : and the Prophets of Israel, 1892 : died at Maisons-Lafitte, Oct. 19, 1894.
Born July 18, 1849 : educated at Chittagong and the Calcutta Presidency College : and in that College's Engineering Department : in 1874 was appointed ead Master of the Bhutia boarding school at Darjeeling : began to study Tibetan from Lama Ugyen Gyatso, a teacher there : in 1878 the latter, on a visit to Tashi Lhumpo (Teshu Lumbo) in Tibet, obtained an invitation and passport for Sarat Chandra to visit Lhasa : in June, 1879, they started together to visit Lhasa with a servant : returned after six months from Tashi Lhumpo to Darjeeling : in Nov. 1881, they again went to Tashi Lhumpo, and on to Lhasa : wrote his Narrative of a Journey to Lhasa, and Narrative of a Journey round Lake Palti (Yamdok), and in Lhokha, Yarlung and Sakya : in 1884 Sarat accompanied Colman Macaulay (q.v.) to the Lachen Valley in Sikhim, and in 1885 went with him to Pekin : made C.I.E., Jan. 1886 : received a reward from the Royal Geo- graphial Society, 1887 : founded the Buddhist Text Book Society, 1892 : made Rai Bahadur, 1896 : the Royal Geographical Society published His Travels in Tibet, in 1899 : completed his Tibetan English Dictionary in 1902 : from Sep. 1881 served the Government of Bengal as Tibetan translator : retired from service July, 1904: engaged in compiling a Sans- krit-English dictionary.
DAUD SHAH ( ? –1897)
Of the Lahkan Kheyl, a branch of a tribe of the Ghilzais : at the age of 20 he joined the Army of Amir Dost Muhammad Khan and became Akbar Khan's orderly officer. Shir Ali made him captain for services rendered at the battle of Kajhbaz on June 6, 1865, in which Sirdar Muhammad Ali Khan, eldest son of Shir Ali, was killed. Daud Shah showed great bravery during a campaign at Khost and was raised to the rank of General : he defeated Abdur Rahman's forces in Turkistan, and settled the country in Shir All's name, but, having quarrelled with General Muhammad Alam, he was recalled to Kabul and imprisoned by Shir Ali. Soon released, he acted as Commander-in-Chief when Yakub Khan rebelled against his father Shir Ali, and when General Faramurz Khan, commanding the Amir's forces, was killed by Aslam Khan, son of Amir Dost Muhammad. Upon Yakub's second rebellion, an army was sent to Herat in which Daud Shah was given a command, but Shir Ali, finding no General at Kabul, recalled him and entrusted him with all army affairs at the capital. In Jan. 1879, when Shir Ali fled to Turkistan, after the capture of Ali Masjid and the Peiwar Kotal by the British troops, Daud Shah was left at Kabul with Yakub Khan and accompanied him to meet Sir S. Browne at Gandamak. He was Yakub's Commander-in-Chief at the time of the massacre of Sir Louis Cavagnari in Sep. 1879, and Yakub's flight to the British camp. During Sir F. Roberts' tenure of Sherpur, at Kabul, Daud Shah was arrested about Dec. 18, 1879, and deported to India : died at Rawul Pindi, Dec. 25, 1897.
DAVIDS, T. W. RHYS (1843–)
LL.D., Ph.D. : born May 12, 1843 : son of Rev. T. W. Davids : educated at Brighton School and Breslau University : entered Ceylon Civil Service, 1866 : barrister, Middle Temple, 1877 : delivered Hibbert Lectures, 1881 : author of Buddhism, 1878; Buddhism, its History and Literature, 1896 : Buddhist India, 1902, and numerous other works connected with Buddhist Texts, etc. : Secretary and Librarian, Royal Asiatic Society : Professor of Pali and Buddhist Literature, University College, London.
Colonel : son of W. Davidson : educated privately at Petersham : joined the 6oth Rifles, 1876 : served in Afghan war, 1878–80 : at Kandahar and Ahmad Kheyl : A.D.C. to Sir Donald Stewart at Kabul : A.D.C. to Sir John Ross in Sir F.