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Bengal Civil Servants, 1780-1838, Dodwell and Miles: 1839.
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Bengal under the Lieutenant-Governors, 1854-98, C. E. Buckland: 1901.
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Bombay Civil Servants, 1798-1839, Dodwell and Miles: 1839.
Book of Dignities, The, H. Ockerby: 1890.
British India and its Rulers, H. S. Cunningham: 1881.
British Indian Military Depositary, The, S. Parlby: 1822-7.
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Celebrities of the Century, L. C. Saunders: 1887.
Centenary Review of the Asiatic Society of Bengal, 1784-1883: 1885.
Chambers's Biographical Dictionary, G. D. Patrick and F. H. Groome: 1897.
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Comprehensive History of India, A, H. Beveridge: 1858-62.
Conversations Lexikon, Brockhaus: 1882.
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Cyclopædia of India, E. Balfour: 1885.
Decisive Battles of India, The, G. B. Malleson: 1883.
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