Jan. 12 or 13, 1784 : his remains were brought back to Calcutta, and interred in the South Park Street Cemetery. Warren Hastings had a monument erected to him with a lengthy inscription : another monument was put up by his native subordinates and others at Bhagalpur. The inscription on the latter runs : "Who, without bloodshed or terrors of authority, employing only the means of conciliation, confidence and benevolence, attempted
and accomplished the entire subjection of the lawless and savage inhabitants of the jungle-territory of Rajmahal, who had long infested the neighbouring lands by their predatory incursions, inspired them with a taste for the arts of civilized life, and attached them to the British Government by a conquest over their minds, the most permanent as the most rational mode of dominion." He has been called "the dulce decus of the early Civil Service." This was the voyage of the Atlas in which Mrs. Warren Hastings returned to England. CLINTON, CHARLES HENRY ROLLE TREFUSIS, TWENTIETH BARON (1834–1904)
Son of the 19th Baron : born 1834 : educated at Eton, and Christ Church, Oxford : M.P. 1857–66, when he succeeded to the peerage : Under Secretary of State for India, 1867–8 : Charity Commissioner : died March 29, 1904. CLIVE, ROBERT, BARON (1725–1774)
Governor of Bengal : son of Richard Clive : born Sep. 29, 1725 : educated at Lostock, Market Drayton. Merchant Taylors' and Hemel Hempstead : his youth marked by energy, courage, and adventure : reached Madras as a "writer" in the E. I. Co.'s Civil Service in 1744 : in the capitulation of Madras, 1746 : escaped to Fort St. David : obtained military employ in 1848 : at Boscawen's siege of Pondicherry : fought at Devikota, 1749, on behalf of the Tanjore ruler : at the flight at Valkonda : seized Arcot on Aug. 31, 1751, to divert Chanda Sahib from besieging Muhammad Ali at Trichinopoly : was himself besieged with his small party in the fort of Arcot for 50 days by Chanda Sahib's superior force, which he beat off successfully : one of the most brilliant feats in history : defeated Raja Sahib and the French at Caveripak, 1752 : destroyed the town of Dupleix Fatehabad : defeated French Army near Trichinopoly : took Covelong and Chingleput : in England, 1753–6 : returned to India as Lt-Colonel : on his way out through Bombay captured, on Feb. 13, 1756, Gheria, the stronghold of the pirate Angria : became Lieutenant-Governor of Fort St. David, June 20, 1756 : after the Black Hole tragedy, Clive was sent up to Bengal in Oct.-Dec. 1756 : took Calcutta and Hughli from the Nawab Suraj-ud-daula : again defeated him and took Chandernagore : through Omichund, whom he deceived by the fraud of two copies, one of them being fictitious, of the treaty, made a treaty with Mir Jafar to desert the Nawab : fought the battle of Plassey, June 23, 1757; routed the Nawab, who fled and was killed : installed Mir J afar as Nawab, and received large siuns from him : made Governor of Bengal : asserted himself against his colleagues in the Government : defeated the Dutch near Chinsiura : sent Colonel Forde to the N. districts of Madras : to England again, 1760–5 : made Baron Clive of Plassey in 1762 : K.C.B. in 1764 : M.P. for Shrewsbury : described as a "heaven-born General" : quarrelled with Sullivan, Chairman of the E. I. Co.'s Directors, and defeated him : reappointed Governor of Bengal and C. in C. to reform the abuses prevailing there in his absence : held office May 3, 1765, till Jan. 1767 : obtained from the Emperor of Delhi, Shah Alam, the "diwani," i.e. authority to administer the Civil Government and collect the revenue, of Bengal, Bihar and Orissa, Aug. 12, 1765 : restored Oudh to Shuja-ud-daula : reformed the administration, checking malpractices and giving adequate salaries : measures of retrenchment provoked mutiny, which he promptly repressed : finally retired in 1767, poorer than in 1765 : a £70,000 legacy from Mir Jafar he devoted to "the Clive Fund" for military men : attacked in England by numerous enemies, his administration subjected to Parliamentary inquiry : partly condemned,but it was finally decided that Clive had rendered great and meritorious services to his country : worn out by ill-health and persecution, he took his own life, Nov. 22, 1774. His character much discussed : his bravery, ability, masterfulness, power of leading and governing are generally admitted : but his deceit of