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the four saîlors had entered it, Howick passed a couple of harpoons down to them, and some lances which had been carcfully sharpcncd ; to thèse were added five coîls of stout and supple rope, each 600 feet long, for a whalc when struck often dives so deeply that even thèse lengths of Une knotted together are found to be insuffident After thèse împlements of attack had been properly stowed In the bows, the crew had only to await the pleasure of their captain. The " Pilgrîm," before the saîlors left her, had been made to heave to, and the yards were braced so as to secure her remaîning as stationary as possible. As the time drew near for the captain to quit her, he gave a scarching look ail round to satisfy himself that everything was in order ; he savv that the halyards were properly tightened, and the sails trimmed as thcy should be, and then calling the young apprcnticc to his side, he said, — " Now, Dick, I am going to leave you for a fcw hours : while I am away, I hope that it will not be necessary for you to.makc any movement whatevcr. However, you must be on the watch. It is not very likely, but it is possible that this finback may carry us out to some distance. If so, you will hâve to follow ; and in that case, I am sure you may rcly upon Tom and his friends for assistance.'* One and ail, the negroes assured the captain of their willingness to obey Dick*s instructions, the sturdy Hercules rolling up his capacious shirt-slcevcs as if to show that he was ready for immédiate action. The captain went on, — " The wcather is bcautifully fine, Dick, and I see no prospect of the wind freshening ; but comc what may, I hâve onc direction to give you which I strictly enforce. You must not leave the shîp. If I want you to follow us, I will hoist a flag on the boat-hook." " You may trust me, sir," answered Dick ; " and I will keep a good look-out" " Ail right, my lad ; keep a cool head and a good heart You are second captain now, you know. I ncver heard of any one of your âge being placed in such a post ; be a crédit to your position ! "

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