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» 39 ail free American dtizens, belonging to the statc of Pcnn- sylvania. "Theiî, let me assure you, my friend " saîd thc captaiii, "you hax-e by no means compromised your libcrty în havînjif been brought on board the American schooner * Pily^riiii.* ** Net merely, as ît seemed, on account of his r^c and expérience, but rather because of a certain supcriority and greater enerç[>' of character, this old man was tacitly recognized as the spokesman of his party ; hc frccly coni- municated ail the information that Captain Hull rcquircd to hear, and by d^^rees he related ail thc détails of his adventures. He said that his name was Tom, and that whcn hc was only six years of âge he had been sold as a slave, and brought from his home in Africa to thc United States ; but by the act of émancipation he had long sincc rccovcred his freedom. His companions, who werc ail much youngcr than himself, their âges ranging from twenty-five to thirty, were ail free-bom, their parents havîng bccn emancîpalcd before their birth, so that no white man hnfl cvcr cxcrcivrd upon them the rights of ownership. One of them wa> i/i-^ own son ; his name was Bat (an abbreviation of Barthoîo- mew) ; and there were three others, nam';,d Au^tin, Acl;i:'>r,, and Hercules. Ail four of them wert >.j/';.'J;rj^'ns of th;i.r stalwart race that commands so high a pr;v; iu tî*'; Afri^^n market, and in spite of the emaciatioT. .r/i^yjA w: j:x récent sufferings, their muscular, well-ku;* l".-* ly' >r - ^^ a strong and healthy constitution. Tii*, >_-, impress of that solid éducation which it v.'." American schools, and their speech liac or- %.. *r>^V' -/ •/; " nigger-tongue," a dialect without ^-.-.v; v/ r?.UV,r.- which since the anti-slavery war hab îiliioa* - / - -j - Unitcd States. Three years ago, old Tom stated, tL. {.,. -, engaged by an Englishman who l*c *f y., -^x-rj^.- 1 ' South Australia. to work upon his wtav-.- Z';.- l'. Heret^iJjj^wUzedaconsideraWt yi-M .-.'ûv* "*™"*^^^™'^ngagement they o^A..-,t: America. Kwx^c^.y v: t^a

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