should have known nothîng, and should hâve been powerless to aid you." It was now five days since he had fallen in wîth the entomologist as he was chasing the manticora, and uncere- moniously had carried him off. . As the canoë drifted rapidly along the stream, Hercules briefly related his adventures since his escape from the encampment on the Coanza. He described how he had followed the kitanda which was conveying Mrs. Weldon ; how in the course of his march he had found Dingo badly wounded ; how he and the dog together had reached the neighbourhood of Kazonndé, and how he had contrived to send a note to Dick, intending to inform him of Mrs. Weldon's destination. Then he went on to say that since his unexpected rencontre wîth Cousin Benedict he had watched very closely for a chance to get into the guarded dépôt, but until now had entirely failed. A celebrated mganga had been passing on his way through the forest, and he had resolved upon impersonating him as a means of gaining the admittance he wanted. His strength made the undertaking sufficiently easy ; and having stripped the magician of his paraphernalia, and bound him securely to a tree, hepainted his own body with a pattern like that which he observed on his victimes chest, and having attired himself with the magical garmcnts was quite equipped to impose upon the credulous natives. The resuit of his stratagem they had ail that day witnessed. He had hardly finished his account of himself when Mrs. Weldon, smiling at his success, turned to Dick. " And how, ail this time, my dear boy, lias it fared with you } " she asked. Dick said, — " I remember very little to tell you. I recollect being fastened to a stake in the river-bed and the water rising and rising till it was above my head. My last thoughts were about yourself and Jack. Then everything became a blank, and I knew nothing more until I found myself amongst the papyrus on the river-bank, with Hercules tending me like a nurse.**