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fR2^ f»I cuite lurt oi meeting ' tbdr frisaâs * ^X3C £5

•|f yvj r^:r's^,y *^.:r^£ so. =i:- >e^TO. *t32re s rat tnu^Jt, tfrr.f: to i/; Ivbt ; vha-ttver y:-"^ fini* ceccmrDcs ta rfo, h-i V. -il co at once : ht ntver lets tîit s^rsss grca" l'yjilri xfjjt to thcîr fcct, when thev were startied îrr the ftamf; mailing in thc papyrus whîch had pre-:ou5!y aroused NcgoroS frjars. Prc=><;ntly a low gro-A-1 was heard, and a larj^c d^;, hhov/ing his tceth, emerged frozi the buîhes^ cvid';rjlly pr^:parcd for an attack. " ItS iJiw/fjV cxcîaîmcd Harris.

    • Confound the brute I he shall not escape me thîs tiae,"

Jl'; avy/hi u^j II;irrî->*.s ;^un, and raisingitto hîsshculcer, h': fir';d ju ,t a, tJ.'; do;; wa:^ in the act of springing ar his lliroat. A Ion;; v.hinc of pain foîlowed the report, and l)iu'//j di ,ap|0':;iP;d a;^^aîn amon^^st the bushes that fringed Ih'; .'-lr':arn. Nc;joro was instantly upon his track, but could A .(j)W(:r nothin;; beyond a fcw blood-stains upon the hlalk', of lli^: pajjyru.-,, and a long crimson trail upon the p/:|jbl':s iiU llio- bank. " I tliink I liavc donc for the beast now/' was Xegoros rciriarl: a:> hc rcturncrl froin his fruitlcss search. Ilarris, vvho had bccn a silcnt spcctator of the whole hccii':, now askcd cooWy^ — " What niakcs that animal hâve such an inveterate dis- lik(? to you ?" " Oh, thcrc is an old score to scttle bctwcen us," replîed the l*ortu^;uc.sc. "What aljout ?" înquîrcd the American. Nc[;oro madc no rcply, and finding him evîdcntly dis- inclincd to be communicative on the subject, Harris did ni)t prcss the matter any further. A fcw moments latcr the two mcn wcre descendîng the stream, and making thcir way through the forcst towards Mic Coan/.a.

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