CHAPTER IL ACCOMPLICES. On the day foUowîng that on whîch Dick Sands and hîs party had made their last hait in the forest, two men met by appointment at a spot about three miles distant The two men were Harris and Negoro, the one lately landed from New Zeàland, the other pursuing his wontcd occupation of slave-dealer in the province of Angola. They were seated at the foot of an enormous banyan-tree, on Âe banks of a rlishing torrent that streamed between tall borders of papyrus. After the conversation had turned awhile upon the events of the last few hours, Negoro said abruptly, — "Couldn't you manage to get that young fifteen-year-old any farther înto the înterîor ? " " No, indeed ; it was a hard matter enough to brîng hîm thus far ; for the last few days his suspicions hâve been wîde awake.*' " But just another hundred miles, you know," continued Negoro, ** would hâve finished the business off well, and those black fellows would hâve been ours to a dead cer- tainty." " Don't I tell you, my dear fellow, that it was more than time for me to give them the slip?" replied Harris, shrugg^ng his shoulders. " Only too well I knew that our young friend was longing to put a shot into my body, and that was a sugar-plum I might not be able to digest" The Portuguese gave a grunt of assent, and Harris went on, —