of thèse things, and accordingly.the singular quiétude was to them a matter of no surprise. They ail awokc much refrcshed by theîr nîght's rcst, whîch there had been nothîng to disturb. Jack was by no means the latest in opening his eyes, and hîs first words were addressed to Hercules, asking him whethcr he had caught a wolf with hîs teeth. Hercules had tb acknowledge that he had tasted nothing ail night, and declared himself quîte ready for breakfast The whole party were unani- mous in this respect, and aftcr a brief moming prayer, breakfast was expeditîously served by old Nan. The meal was but a répétition of the last evening's supper, but wîth their appetites sharpened by the fresh forest air, and anxious to fortify themselves for a good day's march, they did not fail to do ample justice to their simple fare. Even Cousin Benedict, for once in his life at least, partook of his food as if it were not utterly a matter of indifférence to him ; but he grumblcd vcry much at the restraint to which he con- sidcred himself subjccted ; he could not see the good of coming to such a country as this, if he were to be obliged to walk about with his hands in his pockets ; and he pro- tcstcdthat if Hercules did not leave him alone and permit him to catch fire-flics, there would bc a bone to pick be- tween them. Hercules did not look vcry much alarmed at the thrcat. Mrs. Wcldon, howevcr, took him aside, and telling him that she did not wish to deprive the enthusiast entircly of his favourite occupation, instructcd him to allow her cousin as much liberty as possible, providcd he did not lose sîght of him. The moming mcal was over, and it was only seven o*clock when the travcllers were once more on their way towards the east, preserving the samc marching-order as on the day before. The path was still through luxuriant forest. The vege- table kingdom reigned suprême. As the plateau was immedîately adjacent to tropical latitudes, the sun's rays during the summer months descendcd perpendîcularly upon the virgin soil, and the vast amount of beat thus obtained combined with the abundant moisture rctaincd in the sub-