< Page:Dick Sands the Boy Captain.djvu
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cor.T;i • 'o ti.'j r-i:-:' r> of Per-. Braril. and :h-:- Argentine r';;y',r/:^. It-, Pir.îrr.a! and vegeîable pr»:ôu:t? would till a natt:r?i!; ! v.ith -jr.bounded '.vonder. ?»Iav I no: déclare ît m a l'jc'rry cfi^-.c-; ti*at ha^ brou^ht you hère .•" '• Ijo not '-.ay chance, Mr. Harris. if yoj p'.case." •' Vt!l, th^n. midam ; providence, if you prcfer ît," said Ilarris, v/iih thc air of a man incapable of rec>gnîzîng the distinct ion, AflcT findin^r that thcrc was no one among>t them who v/a . ;ir']M;iintcd in anv "/av with the countrv throu^h whidi ih'v '.'.-fiT': trav'.llin'^, Harri< .scjmcd to exl::b:î an évident pl':a 'ir': in jiointin;,^ ôut and de-cribing by iMme the varîous woridor-. f*( .v: forçât Had Cousin Hc-neJ.îci's attainments in'^jhid'j'l a Irno-Al'.-dicc of botan'/ hc woulJ have found hîm- self in a fu': ficld for rcsearchc?. and might perchance haw (Urf)'.<:Tf( novclti'js to which his own name could be aj^pfrndcd in thc- catalogues of science. But hc was no botani t ; in fact, a*; a ruic, hchcKî ail blossoms in aversion, on tlu: yjfiwrn] tliat thcy cntrappcd insccts into thcir coroll», anrl poisr^iirri thriii vomctimcs with vcnoiTious juiccs. New and ran: in^^t.ts, lioucvcr, sccmcd hercabouts to bc want- ing. (Jcca-innallv thc soil bccainc marshv, and thcv ail had to wcnd ihcir way fi ver a pcrfcct network of liny rivulets that werc afiluents of the river froin which they had started. Sometimes thèse rivulets werc so wide that they could not be passcd witliout a long search for sonie spot where they could be forded ; their banks were ail very damp, and în inany j)laces abounded with a kind of reed, which Harris called l}y its j)roper name of papyrus. As soon as thc marshy district had bccn passed. the forest resnmed its original aspect, thc footway beconiing narrow as ever. llarris pointed out some vcry fine ebony-trees,

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