"I?" answered Cousin Benedict; looking somevhat bewildered, "Oh, I atn agreeable to anythîng. I dare say I shall fînd some spécimens. I thînk I will go and look at once." " Take my advice, and don't go far away," replied Dtck. " AU right ; I shall take care of myself." " And don't be bringing back a lot ofmosquîtoes," said old Tom mischievously. With his box under hîs arm, the naturalist left the grotto. Negoro followed almost immediately. He did not take the same direction as Benedict up the cliff, but for the second time bent his steps towards the river, and proceeded along îts bank till he was out of sight It was not long before Jack's exertîons told upon him, and he fell into a sound sleep. Mrs. Weldon having gently laid him on Nan's lap, wandered out and made her way to the water's edgc. She was soon joîoed by Dick and the negroes, who wanted to see whcther it was possible to get to the " Pilgrim," and secure any articles that might be serviceable for future use. The reef on which the schooner had stranded was now quite dry, and the carcase of the vessel which had been partially covered at high water was lying in the midst of débris of the most promiscuous character. The wide différence between high and low- water mark caused Dîck Sands no littlc surprise. He knew that the tides on the shores of the Pacific were very inconsiderable ; in hîs own mînd, however, he came to the conclusion that the phenomenon was to be explained by the unusually high wind that had been blowing on the coast. Not without émotion could Mrs. Weldon, or indecd any of tbcm, behold the unfortunate ship upon which they had spent so many eventful days, lyîng dismasted on her side. But there was little time for sentiment. If they wished to visit the hull before it finally went to pièces there must be no delay. Hoisting themselves by some loose ri^îng that was hanging from the deck, Dîck and several of the negroes