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before they reached one of the villages which they presumed were close at hand. Dick, moreover, took the précaution of sending Hercules to get a small supply of fresh water from the river bard by, and the good-natured fellow returaed canying a whole barrel-full on his shoulder. Plenty of fuel was lyîng about, and whenever they wanted to light a fire they were sure of having an abundance pf dead wood and the roots of the old mangroves. Old Tom, an iaveterate amoker, always carried a tinder box in his pocket ; tbis had been too tightly fastened to be affected by the moisture, and could always produce a spark upon occasion Still they must hâve a shelter. Without some rest it was impossible to start upon a tour of exploration ; accord- ingly, ail interests were directed towards ascertaining where the necessary repose could be obtained. The honour ofdiscovering where the desired retreat could be found fell to the lot of little Jack. Trotting about at the foot of the clifF, he came upon one of those grottoes which are constantly being found hollowed out in the rock by the véhément action of the waves in times of tempest. " Hère, look hère 1 " cried the child ; " here's a place I" " Well donc, Jack !" answered his mother ; "your lucky discovety is just what we wanted. If we were going to stay hère any time we sbould hâve to do. the same as thê Swiss Family Robînson, and name the spot after you !" It was hardly more than twelve or fourteen feet square, and yet the grotto seemed to Jack to be a gîgantic cavem. But narrow as its limita were, it was capacious enough to receive the entire party. It was a great satisfaction to Mrs. Weldon to observe that it was perfectly dry, and as the moon was just about her first quarter there was no likeli- hood of atîde rising to the foot of the cliff. At any rate, it was resolved that they might take up their quarters there for a few hours. Shortly aiïer one o'clock the whole party were seated upon a carpet of seaweed round a repast consJsting of preserved méat, biscuit, and water flavoured witha few drops of mm, of which Bat had saved a quart bottle from the wreck. Even Negoro had returned and ioined ^Vit H Z

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