LIST OF ILLL'STFlVTIONS. 'M»fitfir#:î" , . , A h«r't fA f^Jtll^ da-^herl pa.4 bîm like a glowing cload A hait wa» ma/i« for thi: ni^t bencath a grove of loftj trees . " Ijffftk h«re l bcre are haivl/(, men's hand.<) " . l'h/ï man waA gone, and hl» hr^ne with him ! . . . Tb#ry wcfc MàLtmi at thc frxit of an enormous banyan-tree IVifn nrwm, ntanîng to thcîr fcet, IrK^kcd anxioa>Iy around them f >ingo rli«apficared again amongst thc ba<>hes '* S'fAi ttiMM kccji thw a secret " HarrU ha* left u% " llie march wûs cz/ntinuerl with as much rapîdity as was consistent with caution Il WAA a Aome f>nly trxj common in Central Africa An/ithcr brilliant flanh brought the camp once again into relief One aftcr another, the whole party made their way inside (Joukin Ikmedict's curirr^ity wah awakened .... The naturalÎHt now fairly mounted on a favourite hobby
- My fKH^r Ixjy, I know evcrything"
They set to work to anccrtain what progrens the water was making Ail fircd iiimuUancou-slv at the ncarest lK>at The giant clave their jikulU with the butt end of his gun. Thc Htart wax made If cvcr the havilrlar strollc^l a few yards away, Bat took the opportunity of miirmuring a few words of encouragement to his poor old father . Thc caravan ha^l bcen attackcd on the flank by a dozen or more crocodile» ........ Thc créature that had snrung to my fcet was Dingo More hlavcH sick, and abandoned to takc their chance . Adjoining the commercial cjuarter was the royal résidence With a ycll and a cursc, the American fcll dead at his fcet Accompaiiied by Coïmbra, Alvez himsclf was onc of the first arrivais 'l'hc potentate Ijcneatli whosc sway the counlry trcmbled for a hundred miles round ......... Alvez advunccd and nresentcd thc king with some fresh tobacco 'l'hc king Imd taken tire internally
- Your life is in my hands !"
Ail hin énergies werc rcstorcd ...... J*'riendlesH and hoi>eIess ....... Ile contenteil himsclf with the permission to go wherc hc plea^id wiihin thc limitH of the palisade .....
- l MiniHisc Wcldon will not mind coming to fctch you ?"
Dr. Livingstonc . With nonc to guide him except a few natives
- You are Dr. l.ivingslonc, 1 présume?'*
The insulfcrable beat nad drivcn ail the résidents within the dépôt indoors itch)re long the old black speck was again Hiiting ju^t abovc his hcad For that luiy at Icast Cousin Bencdict had lost his chance of bcing the hiippiest of entomologists ..... Thc entire crowd joinctl in .
- llcre thcy are, captain ! both of ihcm î " .
Hercules could Icave thc boat wUhout much fear of dcleciiim It was caused by a troop of a hundred or more éléphants lie st(HHl face to face with his foe .... In^tautly fivc or six ncgroes scramblcil down the piles . VM> thc smooth wood wcre two greai leltcrs in ding)* reil Tnc liog was griping thc man by the throat . Th« builct ^attcr«d the rudder-scull into fragments PAGE 212 2l6 220 229 232 248 253 260 264 26S 273 277 285 288 294 29S 303 307 315 3i« 328 332 337 340 344 348 356 360 369 373 380 386 390 394 399 403 410 415 418 426 431 434 439 443 452 456 460 464 472 476 481