VAC.R Cousin Bencdict 7 Captain Hull advanced to mcet Mrs. Wddon and lier j)arty . .11 N^oro , 15 Dick and littlc Jack 22 Negoro had approached wthout Ixring noticcd hy auy inc ... 27 The dog began to swim slowly and with manifest «eakne-> luwards the boat 31 Mrs. Weldon, assisted by Nan and the evcr active Dick Snn<î.->, w as doing cverything in her power to restore consciousness to the poor suflfercrs 37 The good-natured n^roes were ever ready to lend a hclpin^ hand . . 44 "There you are, then, M aster Jack !" 48 Jack cried out in the greatest excitement that Dingo knew liow to read . 56 Negoro, with a threatening gcsture that scemcd half involuiitary, wilh- drew immediately to his accustomed quarters 58 •* This Dingo is nothing out of the way '* 61 Occasionally Dick Sands would take a pistol, and now and then a rifle . 63 " What a big fellow 1" 66 The captain*s voice came from the rctrcating boat . . . . .72
- I must get you to kecp your eye upon that man " . . . «73
The whale seemed utterly unconscious of the attack tliat was ilircaleiiing it 75 The boat was well-nigh full of water, and in imminent danger of being capsized 83 There is no hope 86 •*Oh, we shall soon be on shore !" 94 "Oh yes, Jack ; you shall keep the wind in order" .... 97 AU thrce of them fell flat upon the deck 104 Jack evidenced his satisfaction by giving his huge fricnd a hearly shake of the hand 105 A light shadow glided stealthily along the deck 112 For naïf an hour Negoro stood motionless . . . . . . 1 20 Under bare pôles , 1 28 C^ick as lightning, Dick Sands drew a revolver from his pocket . • 132 •*nicre! look there! 137 " You hâve acquitted yourself likc a man " 144 They both examined the outsprcad chart 148 The sea was furious, and dashcd vehemently upon the crags on eiilier hand 156 Survcying the shore with the air of a man who was trying to recall some past expérience 161 Net without émotion could Mrs. Weldon, or indeed any of ihem, behold the unfortunate ship 168 The entomologist was seen making his way down Ihe face of the cliff at the imminent risk of breaking his necic 172 "Good moming, my youngfriend" 176 " He is my little son " 181 TTicy came to a tree to which a horse was tethered .188 The way across the forest could scarcely be called a path • '93 Occasionally the soil became marshy I97 A hait for the night 201 Hercules himself was the fini to keep watch 205