471 his unsuccessful siege of the city (1422), 114, 154 ; death of Manuel, 115, 155 Manuscripts and books : huge drafts by Italian scholars upon the stores of, in Constantinople, 406 ; numbers destroyed for the sake of their costly bindings, 411 ; treatment of those in Constantinople in 1453 and after, 411 sq. Martin IV., Pope : threatens to depose Michael VIII., 36 Matthew Cantacuzenus (son of John), 73 n., 75 ; associated with his father in government, 79 ; chosen as his father's successor, ib. ; John V.'s treatment of him after his father's retirement, 87 Maundeville, Sir J., 54, 55 n., 56 n., 65 n., 191 Medici, Cosimo de', 407 Mersaite, a Mahdi : at siege of Con- stantinople (1422), 114 Mesoteichion, 236, 240, 349 Michael VIII., Emperor (of Nicaea, 1260-61 : succeeded John Ducas ; was Emperor of the East 1261-82) : negotiations of Baldwin with him, 16 ; Michael's efforts to subdue the Latin Empire, 17 ; alliance with Genoese, ib. ; details of his capture of Constantinople, 18 sqq. ; his entry into the city : end of Latin empire, 19 ; difficulties in his new position, 25 ; he was really a usurper : his cruel treatment of the de jure heir, John, son of Theodore Lascaris, 26 ; his excommunication therefor, 27 ; efforts to obtain absolution, 27 sqq. ; troubles caused by Latin attempts to recover the empire, 29 ; threatening encroachment of Turks, ib. ; to gain aid from West he seeks reconciliation with Koman Church, 30 ; details of strife about Union of the Churches, 30 sqq. ; Michael's endeavours in favour, 33 ; double failure: with popes and with his own people, 36 ; his death, ib. Michael IX. (Palaeologus), co-emperor with his father, Andronicus II. (died 1320), 37 ; married sister of king of Armenia, 38 ; expedition against Catalans, 45 sq. Military colonies in conquered terri- tories, Turkish system of, 189 Miners, Serbian, employed as sappers by Turks, 291 Minotto, Venetian bailey, 249 ; his fate after the siege, 373 Missions, Christian : their great value in Turkey, 424 n. Montferrat, Boniface, Marquis of, 1 ; struggle with Emperor Baldwin, 4 sq. ; killed in battle, 8 Moscow : destroyed by Tartars (1239), 53 Mousa, son of Bajazed, 113 ; captured at Angora, 143 sq. ; quarrels with his brother, Suliman, 149 ; forms an army of Turks and Wallachs, ib. ; attacks Manuel : his devastations, 150 ; ultimate defeat : put to death by his brother, Mahomet L, 157 Murad (or Amurath) I., Sultan (1359- 89, son and successor of Orchan) : fanatical persecutor, 103 ; organi- sation of Janissaries, ib. ; endeavours to carry out in Europe his father's policy in Asia Minor, ib. ; contests with other Turks, and with Hun- garians, Serbians, and Bulgarians, 103 sq. ; John V. formally recog- nised him as his suzerain, 104 ; defeat of Serbians &c. at Harmanli, 105 ; treatment of his rebel son, Countouz, 106 ; obliges John V. to pay him annual tribute and render military service, ib. ; Murad's captures of towns and strongholds, 107 ; the crushing defeat of Serbians &c. at Cossovo-pol, 107 sq. ; assassination of Murad, 108 Murad II., Sultan (1420-51: son of Mahomet I.) : relations with Manuel II., 152 ; question of the pretender Mustafa, 152 sq. ; rebellion in behalf of Murad's young brother, Mustafa, 154 ; siege of Constantinople (1422) : why it was raised, ib. ; terms of peace (1423), 155 ; triumphal pro- gress of Murad, 156 sqq. ; sovereigns do homage to him, 156 ; attacks Hungary and Serbia, 157; fails in siege of Belgrade, 158 ; refuses to attack Constantinople during John's absence at Florence, ib. ; combined Western movement against Murad, 158 sq. ; Turkish defeats by Hun- yadi : Slivnitza, 160 ; Murad sues for peace, 161 ; treaty with King Ladislaus : its terms, ib. ; soon violated, by Christians, ib. ; Murad abdicates in favour of his young son, Mahomet, 162 ; resumes his duties to repel army of Ladislaus, 164 ; helped by Genoese to cross Bos- porus, ib. ; battle of Varna, 1 65 sqq. ; crushing defeat of Christians-, 170 ; Murad ravages Morea, 171 ;