withstands the emperor's threats, 27 ; is deposed and exiled, 28 ; his strong opposition to the Latins, 31 : religious relations with a Turkish sultan, 56 sq. Asia Minor : its old commerce with Constantinople, 23 ; Tartar ravages in, 53 Asomaton, 164 n. Athanasius, patriarch (1450), 202 Athens, duchy of, seized by Catalans, 69 Aurispa, pupil of Chrysoloras, 406 Babylon, sultan of. See Egypt Bachaturean walls, 240 Bactatinian Tower, 240 ; destroyed by Turks, 268 Bagdad, the last of its caliphs, 53 Bajazed, Sultan (1389-1403, son of Murad) : obtained nickname of Ilderim or the Thunderbolt, 132 ; successful attacks upon the empire, ib. ; crushes Bulgarian kingdom, 134 ; defeats Western armies at Nicopolis, 134 sqq. ; for years kept Constantinople under terror of sieges, 137 ; extent of his posses- sions, ib. ; summons of Timour to Bajazed, 138 sq. ; the sultan's reply, 141 ; Timour's crushing defeat of Turks at Angora, Bajazed taken captive, 142 sqq. ; his treatment by his captor, 144 sq. ; territory taken from Turks by Timour, 145 ; Bajazed's death, 147 Baldwin, Emperor (Latin, 1204-05), 2sq. Baldwin II., Emperor (Latin, 1237-61, successor of John of Brienne), 11 ; gave his niece in marriage to sultan of Konia, 15 ; put his son in pledge to Venetians for what he had borrowed, 16 Bale, Council of (for Union, 1431): strife over its transference to Bologna, 121 Balkan peninsula : the continuous mutual jealousies of the races in- habiting it, 187 ; a ' Debateable Land,' 187 n. Baloukli, Holy Well of, 18 Baltoglu, a Bulgarian renegade : in command of Turkish fleet at the great siege, 233, 244 ; treatment of defenders of Prinkipo, 253 ; attempt to force the boom, 256 ; attack on aid-bearing Genoese ships, descrip- tion of the battle, 259 sqq. ; Turks defeated, 265 ; sultan degrades admiral, 267 Barlaam, Abbot (an Eastern contro- versialist), 69, 87; taught Greek (at Avignon) at Petrarch's request, 404 Bartolo, Nicolo (Venetian) : his ' Diary of the Siege of Constantinople,' ix Bashi-Bazouks, 223 ; an undisciplined mob : what they were used for, 229 ; their eagerness for the final struggle, 319 ; they begin the general attack, and are defeated, 335 ; their body made up of Moslems, Chris- tians and foreigners, ib. ; Mahomet's object in making them the first to attack, 335 sq. ; their weapons and manner of fighting, 336 ' Bastion ' of Mahomet II. : description of its construction, 292 sq. ; its posi- tion, 293 Bektash, Hadji, dervish and saint : honoured by Janissaries, 223 ; the dervish order of Bektashis, 223 n. ; the order suppressed (1826), 227 n. Belgrade : captured by Turks : Ser- bians become vassals of Murad, 107 Bellini, Gentile (artist) : at court of Mahomet II., 393 Benedict XL, Pope : reply to Androni- cus III.'s appeal for aid, 69 Berenger of Catalonia, leader of merce- naries : joins with Koger de Flor, 45 ; aids the Catalans, 46 ; death, 48 Bessarion : Eastern representative at Council of Florence, 125 sq. ; made Cardinal by Eugenius IV., 128 ; his profound learning, 406 Bethune, John de : his expedition to help Baldwin II., 11 Biremes, description of, 234 Blachern, palace of, 19, 243, 290, 332 Blackbirds, Plain of. See Cossovo-pol Black Death, the, 76, 104 ; description of the scourge in 1347, 189 ; its rapid spread and devastation, 190 Blum, Bobert. See Boger de Flor Boccaccio : promoted study of Greek, 404 sq. ; learned Greek and lectured on its literature, 405 Bocchiardi, Paul, Antony, and Troilus, three Italian brothers : provided, at their own cost, a contingent in defence of Constantinople (1453), 249 ; their prowess during the great assault, 339, 344 ; their ultimate escape to Galata, 360 Bogomils, an heretical sect, 87 and n., 151 Bohemians (followers of John Huss), 121