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Abassid dynasty used symbol of the Crescent, 141 n. Achaia, principality of, 40 Acropolitas, George (historian), 16 ; at the Union ceremony at Lyons in 1274, 34 Agriculture : Turks have never taken kindly to, 58 Alans, Asiatic tribe, 43 sqq., 47, 61, 64 Alexander of Sinope, 317 Alexis, Emperor of Trebizond (1222), 9 ; called himself Grand Comnenus and Emperor of the Faithful Romans, 387 Ali, chief of a Turkish band : shared in Othman's raids on the empire, 61 Ali Pasha (grand vizier of Bajazed), 134, 136 Alphonse of Aragon, 129 Amadeo of Savoy, 91 Amer Bey, standard-bearer of Ma- homet II,, 289 Ameroukes, George (mathematician) : at the court of Mahomet II., 393 Amogavares, Spanish mercenaries, 42 Amurath, son of Orchan. See Murad Anatolia-Hissar, 120, 126, 164 n., 213, 215 Anatolians : defeat of their attack in the siege, 337 sqq. ; their discipline and daring, 338 Andronicus II., Emperor (1282-1328 : son and successor of Michael VIII.) : hostility to Unionist party, 37 ; question as to marriage of his son Michael, 37 sq. ; Latin attempts against his empire, 38 ; calls to his aid Roger de Flor and the Catalan Grand Company, 39 ; their actions caused introduction of Turks into Europe, 49 ; loss of Imperial ter- ritory through Othman's attacks, 61; Turks cross Dardanelles, 61 sq. ; An- dronicus's son Michael co-emperor with his father, 65, 67 ; quarrels between Andronicus II., and Andro- nicus his grandson, 67 sq. ; Andro- nicus II. abdicates and ends his days as a monk, 68 Andronicus III. (Palaeologus), Em- peror (1382-41 ; son of Michael IX. ; successor to Andronicus II.) : quar- rels with his grandfather and causes him to abdicate, 67 sq; constant warfare with Turks, 68 ; the em- peror seeks aid from the West, with little result, 69 ; his death (1341), 70 Andronicus, son of John V. : regent during his father's absence, 92 ; his boyish compact with Sultan Murad 's son, and its punishment, 94 ; re- taliation on his father, 94 sq. Angora (1402), 112; details of the battle, 142 sqq. ; result of Timour's victory, 147 Anjou, Charles of (King of Sicily) : designs restoration of Latin empire, 34 ; his forces find other employ- ment, 36 Apocaukus : his strife with John Can- tacuzenus, 71 sq. ; hired (1343) a Turkish fleet and army, 100 Arabs : their various attempts to capture New Rome, 230 Aragon, Frederic of, 38 Aragon, Peter of, 36 : his mercenary troops, 41 Archers, Turkish, 135; their excel- lence, 167, 251 Aretinus, Leonard: enthusiasm for Greek, 405 Armenia, king of, 38 Arquebusers : Anatolian, 167 ; German, 173 Arrows carrying flaming materials, used by Timour, 146 Arsenius, patriarch : excommunicated Michael VIII. for cruel treatment of the boy John Lascaris, 26 .

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