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Sundri River, 35. 36. - ‘

Suukosi. 102. Sunwm‘ tribe, 103. Sim worship, 159, 185. 232. 2 slip. or “friunowirvygsieve, 2‘17 Surinm (loads. #78. Sun'jubaugsis. 127.

Susnng, 58.

Sutimnlm. hill of, 166‘; I’m-gaunt: of, 187. Suttce, m'dc Sufi.

Tabla, u Mishmi god. 16. Tablung Hagan, 39; vocabulary, 71. tab“ practices. 16. 43. 53. Tlgi Rajn, an Aka chief. 31. Tai Rae-3.. Tnlu, u. Minhmi sub-division, 13, 30. Talcpakn, a V081, 1‘04. Taming. or Ion tribe, 118, 119; vocabulary. 335. Tidin'gana, 151. 161.

mnunulnlh ‘l'fiahvlnl 1'"! 171 13¢ “[11

401"qu unnu- u-v, 41", I , and, WA- Tnmnsuri Mai temple, 78.

Tnmbl’ili, or panache-rs. 324.

Tamul, 111 ; vocabulary, 302. Tauan Guacbmln, 114.

inngi, or battlonxe, 195.

Tnntis. or Weavers. 186, 196. 325. Tantrien Parana. 80

Tarbntia M iri tribe, 30. m...: 1.2....11... man

ani Karena, 118.

Tori mums, or Tori, 288, $7“), 31‘ -.

Taro: Kheong, 114.

his“. or china. 322.

m..u....:...- on 11 «I 1110 1a1 n1n nan one “:11 A. 1_,_ LHUAIUIHH. (n7, 1.1-1, Ana: .uu.’ -111. ‘0", 060. l‘Ml-l' $00113. gay-an Song, a mountain, worshipped by the Chinese, 1872:. Tuba-sum, a god, 104.

Tali. or Kalli“ gm. 324.

Telugu;- allied to Gondi. 278; vocabulary. 302, Toma. a Miri chief, 31.

Tomple, Sir IL. 152. 282.

Tremolo minis in Amim. 79.

temples. aide Kumnkbya, Dowangiri, Hnju, ruins, Teuao Miri trilm. 35.

zengnpuni my. 6.. 9-

Teunui, aide fl‘hunni.

Tophé. supposed to be Koch Bibi; 95.

Tomi, 88.

Téiisi Pl‘r‘l‘ll Ekaslbadi, 186.

Terminalia tomentma, or 9min tree. 155. 201. 281. tel-rial). a. dance. 1236. ' Tea-mi: Dislrict. an.

Thalvlmm cam». 324.

n“ , J,,, A T?,.I,3 17-51 _ A! I In

umuun, u .mun moo, no. no.

Tlmh, or soul, 117.

Thai Race, 5.

Tlmkm-nin Hill, 149.

Tlmkurani Mfii, 147, 149, 179.

Tlmnui and En, parents of mankind, 116.

Thoma, n. tribe. 126.

'1‘lmwa tribe. 88. _

Thiln, o Kuki ’god, 46.

Thimpus, or hold priests, Thompson, Major’. 219. Thuspoia, the Kuki council, 45.

'rflmg «man um. 12 ‘M ‘m In on on um M. - -u... , um... "Jun; -u, .-, .u


, m n- ‘— - av: so. as. 00, cu, as, w. 115'

Tickell, (301., 184, 185. 191. 204.

tiger. flesh onion. 33, 154; worshippga' 281; tigm’s akin used in oaths, 158, 29.;

Tiko, 173 n.

'N...u.-..|. K on A: ’70 9.4 111:, .... 17;“. up... I]! :umu. 0, av. *1, to. u-s, Auu , Ul‘ nu‘ 1W,

Tit “.t, 222, wide Mithila, 313.

Tiful. Singln, 56. ‘.

to mom». cultivation of. 26, 33, 43 46 . Tod’s 154mm, 307, 311. ' ' 52’ 251 foino. a valuable alone. 47.

Tnjaeens. In class of primsta, 110.

told. with human Merifiom. 21:55=

Toluram's country. 54. 83.

132. 214, 280,


m, ,' 1v, 1,, qqn 1p '1 onqmn mver, 1m. 10 Tori. 129.

Tethys! Gonds. 278.

Too“; Mm tribe. 113.

Toungoo, 117, 118.

Toungtlnu tribe. 118.

town-hall, or Nursing, 22.

{finding classes. 823.

tree woruhip, 115, wide mil free. and bamboo. 134. Tributary Mnbnlln, 188, 138, 139. 14.1. 157, 160», 17¢, trident, for Hnnums'm. 220. L' . Tripura. tide Tipperah.

$30. or conscience. 117.

Tulamm, m'da Tolamxn.

mid. plant. sacred, 35.

Tululsmi. a village. 118.

Tull} vocabulatry. 802.

"I.th Emu. IUD.

Tuppnng. village of, 14.

Tum Mountain, 59.

Turn-firm. was.

turban. exchange. of, .170.

Udni mr. 111, 135, 136, 137, 176. 275, 276. Mal tree. 27.

Udoeyung, a feast of the Kuuptiin. 52.

tirid ddl, 14.8, 191, 251.

Vainvas, yellow. 12-1, 305, 306. 312. _ ' .. : .. m. n 1

i) m u 4...; .. m... , 1.... vnvlir, or rluu'mn, 327.

'V'ayu. tribe. 105.

anu Purina, 306.

leas, 80.

wean, lair-3.7. 1‘23, 151.

Xindhyn Range, 123. 124. 169, 161. 163, 221, 220. 263. 275. Vim, the Saint. 17 4.

Vishnninm, 79, 81.

Vivika NIH-Iii!) 'IJI, 174.

Vocabularies, 69, 3, 107, 120, 236, 302.

Vyéw, 307.

alikha. tomum. 103. Wallich. Dr. (1., prof. iii.

Wallnkimnt. 102. wardancon. 41, 43. “.721:th River. 2.78. Wellcsloy, Marquis. 179. 'v'v'ellcaley. Provmce of. 1151. Who Khoong River. 114. Wlneolcr, J. T., 131. 314. whistling, 55. W1, u chum of Elly-loin”, 116, 117. ‘v'v'gdows. 54, 137, 138. Wllcox, Captain, 18. 14, .18, 29, 27, 31. a'lthfyrd, Colonel, 131, 162 u. 164.

'1 insou. Captain Sir Thomas. 172 175 182. Wilson. 11. 305. 310, 314. ' ' wa'nuowing siove, or slip. 247. Wilches and witchcrail, 199. 257, 283, 296. Wlturgiri, 5.9. ' qupeyfillgn- hfregdom among Shun tribes. 8 ; value. 33 :

4.1.54), 53,63.66,91,104: n w all ed to ‘ ‘ - ' Khan-lug, 160; their ourieuitlr wlaélzwpreg:aa;:’16§:u1glf 192; 1:13eg twoth by Kola, 194, 200; friendship Wong vmoii women, 253. -

Woo den images of decorum! Honda, 62. Truth; nib» "19

v A _ Yogi-a. god of the Hindl‘u, 26. 34, 297, 313. l RENE, .111- ?nchnn. or great house. 4.9. omdung. 113. Yule, Colonel. 56. . Yunun, 18, 21. Ywall (Jehovah), 118.

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