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A “MFG, or hendman. 293. 295. 299.

___. ..l>::ngy.-. .rilm, (51, 65. 66-, 67.

411M113“ Singh. 179.

Annr magma. 3‘9. 11.4.

Alas-7 tribes. 18. 20. 21. 22. 36. 40; vombulnry. 73 ; 92, 114, £112 an»...

' Annuitum-femw. 16.

Adnl. a ham. 231.

Adi Budllium. 79.

Adislim, king of Guur. 310.

African tribes. Béclnninns. 57; 63. 115). A'gariah tribe. 196. 200, 317. 322 ll'. Agarmiléa, 3l2.

Aglaunnu. a village. 159.

A..." .. .....m..-... 0-21 “hm. .. WWW... m...

Agorian. 2‘21.

Kgru, i122.

Abiri Pipri. 209. 211.

Alnir trilm. 227. 314.

Ahi‘fi‘fi trike, 5. 77. 1'8, 79, 84'}, 82. 83.

41mm vognlmnlmx, 69.7

Aimngyn Miri trilw. 29.

Aka. or Aulm. crux-.22; 87. vombulury, 73, 95.

Aklmrm'lmnh. 160.

alchun jntm. or cake festival. 320.

éklmi, or dancing place. 198, 203. 248. 259. 261 : m'dc durllfuzl _

Alunga. mum of a. chief, 19. Amodnlx, 232. Anameau. 119. Andnmunm, 133. Afianripifi. a buy mmmtaifi. 132. Anderson. Dr. J.. pref. ii. Andhim‘, a god. 231. Angmni Nags; tribe. 39. «1.1. angels, fallen. ideas of. 186. 231. Anmil district. 291. Auk“, or Aka. tribe, 87'. Anka Miri trilw. 35. ant-hill, vide- oaths. Arming-run. a village, 11:5. mum- rive, 33. Aphyakumi tribe, A9111. :1. haw, 2-31. Apougum. a Gam goddess. 59. 11pm Sulai‘u, aquaducta of banbnus, 61. arhar (0731mm Imlimls). 227. Armani, -2. 11.2. 113. u: Rulslmng, 113. Amkmmn. 112, 113. arrows panned from village in villagu as a. summons to am. 171; national emblem of H03. 191. Artisan tribes, 323. Arum. 102. An’mg Nag». tribe. M ; vocabulary. 75. M15, 1. 2, 79, 80. 84. 119. 123. 125. 137. 131-1, 161. 162. 63. 173. 1.78, 185, 200. 209. 222, 224, 265. 276. 285, 3051?, 325. 0 Asndullnlx Pullnm of Birbhum. 164. Annihddlmln'u. 317. Anal Bulimia». 263. 264. 273.

uncaljulary. 71. .75.

1 I A,


Aslimd, 1111111)?” of, 5; name of. 5 5 kings of, 5: 6. 22, 4-6. 5.1., 55, 77 ; chronicle. 78; R2. 84. 92, 95. 208, 310. 321. 327'.

than tree. aide Tel-Luiunlia tomentnsa.

Anango, king. 110.

assakl’iat. ii dye, 12.

Astilm. Muui. 165.

utrologers, 289.

Aaur, 8t].

Asums. 124, 162, 186. 221, 231.

Aunr tribe, 196.

Atkinson. W., 2641, 270. 271, 272. pref. iv.

Autgn, 1: god, 269.

Ava, 114.

A.....l......: 4...”... 11 A uwnnuuu uwc, 15i-

Dmln Dec. 278, 280.

.I.) Burllml Pen. villa Radial Pen.

1151:1111 Pen. 278. 28.1.

llhuliutul. a Goud god. 280.

jiiuliya (10min, 278.

Bugrlls. u cute, 167. 327.

Bligh 111169.. or tiger devil, or Eight-awn, 2.4:. 280.

Bligh nan. nurmtive of the origin of the Santulu. 209.

Bégmundi, 173. 175.

lhlI-lmugu festival, 196.

bulmi. a drum. 198. .

Bah-anli Bung» East. 198.

Dame, SCHBXEIIQ, in..st of priests, 129. 130, 135. 137, 1-18, - 5-71. 1:", .103, Z! In

Dairl' Sid of Knkralx, 169.

llaitarfii. 163, 156. 177. 207.

BikPSUE'éLr; n grad, 134.

Bukht Bnlnnd of Deogarh, 276.

Bulands, 231i.

Balinemro, 207.

1%»1V..160n.161.1 .17.‘ 2.2 , , .,2

lfiilrianghnti, 18.0. 271?. 203 04 263 27? 741W“ “-

humlum. 10, 26. 61, 115, 233, 23.1.. 269. bamboo festival, 86;

109. 220.

Bambusa yigantm. 34, 11.1.1.

Iluuxunipnt, a. holy mmmtniu. 132.

Bumm. 139. 147. 14.9, 232, 255.

llammi Pat, 141.1.

lmn. 103.

Baiiefim. 2117.

lhlnllnrz'vun, 1.71.

Bangui, or anhla, tribe, 35.

Banal, a goddess.

Bunins, 312.

llnnjugis. n tribe. Mu.

lama-am. 255.

Bunsuri, a. goddess. 149.

Bnorls. a tribe, 138. 327.

Bapus. or priests. 97; lmpuclmng. 6.

Bnmllno. god 01' tlu‘ Gouda. (126.. 135, 259. 278.

Hill‘fill Blmiya, 81. 82, 92, 139.

Burdlxlfluir, 176.

Bnrfihlflnim. 173. 17-1., 175, 1711.

Banal caste, 324..

Thu-alt River. 39.

Eat-fund". a. hill god, 258.

Darnaras, 1U.‘..’.

Barber CMM‘, 32-1..

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