I‘leil’l“ ITI‘M‘A‘T _
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II} treating of the Ohote. Nagpur tribes, I have gone more fully into. their past history and described their progress and present condition more in detail than in other because I have been so long among theuu and “alien: is so little in prim; ulmut them. The brief lust/orical narratives given my not he very attractive, but it cannot but he of moment to Indian statesmen and administrators to have when dealing with such p801)l¢.l, a. clear understanding of the nature of our relations with them, since they
1mm}, Grimm—Mn“ em, MM . +n mum“. .m New.“ u ..m
l ' . v ' I .IJA Aumu u u v (A WLULLU .le|.RIlJ Llllll} g In In Jfinuun u-u. “VL'IUUJJ ll muuiGi .
in detail of the circumstances under which they have been found so frequently 111 an. attitude of hostility to a. Government tlmt certainly has no prejudices against them, but on the contrary is inclined to treat them with favor bordering on partiality. Yet it often happens that we fail to coneiliute them, and sometimes, when lulled into the belief that we have quite succeeded. in doing so, we are rudely awakened from our dream by some unmistakable demonstration of hostility.
It has Imrteinly sometimes happened, owing perhaps to the difficulties of applying the complicated machinery of civiliz 3d lows tea. Wild and rough people, that real griev- ances have remuined um'edmsscd till they were rosentml. And instances have occurred of insurrection lowing been traced to official acts or emissions that were subsequently considered impolitie and were atoned for; aiid it is surely of importance that all such i'tmtllrefl in the exciting causes of (lieturhances should he kept Well in sight. The same low for all is a very highgsounding and popular cry, and it is one that has been. much favored in the legislature of recent years; but I think in. this craving for homogeneity, the heterogeumms character of the component purto of the population of India should
always be borne in mind.
Jmmga dancing