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I oommrzscn w mun,“ . nlyuulou "

the great lover and its upper allluonts, iS' formed of Itnotcriuls found in situ in the hills A“, LI”. WAMLI. l.._.l ......AL “flu...” :.., A1,...‘Ln M: ,w. LJLHAALA "WHAW ,L3,,, I, J V, ‘1‘ 1 1 w um IIUYUI mm hum/u. .l INT-l U 13 UUUUIJUHL‘ (Ill. "Immune GUUDBUEIUH "FEW (33“ El”) 111(10- Chinese population of Asmn, and mum of tho people that {tn-mod nations in tho. (Ira-u» getic provhicos 'ooibro the Aryans afjrcsorod in thom. We cm from the path of many hordes from the North-Eastern Frontier to remote regions of India and Burma; and we find in Asmn colonies fln'mod as it won: oi‘ the stmgglors of tho panties that had pnssod through. V 'ith the northern magions, from whouoo thoso hordes come, I have now no concern. but I take those trihos up first as the most archaic form or: possess of the

th the North-Eastern Frontier, tho basin of tho mighty Bralmmputm. 1... ..1,1 ... L' '

nu “Ln 41“; .3..hml...uq.!,\d»e -. I," .. :..:...._ .. .....hl,_2..,_ 3.. LL 1,, I .- uu, Lu“: out: huuy,luuzuuuvL—UULLHLUIH Huuuug 11.3 I. lUSiLIUH 111 DIM) “0th 01

umtoriols out of which. tho ancient population was formed. I do not introduce the .Asm'u hill and border trihos as the aborigines of that pm-

Vince, but havo rather endeavoured to show that its colonization, as a hmnoh of tho Aryan rumflw Jams: tron- a. .ory l‘ul'!l()tt‘.3 poriml! It is, proluthlo that tho hill people. of LIEWCP

L‘IIIIIJLJ ’ \Qlti‘vu r Asam, now known as Gums and Kasios, ware ourher settlers, for We find them holding an

- a i ' um I-vnn in wmjfm Ynmlrinn‘ in lilul. n. \vnrlom 11ml ant 1' um r W I‘I-mn m .-.J..-- ,.- [manna -.- --..-., ... "hut... m-.. no .. um. w. "mu.

AA- .J.

mumtfid post oomnumiuation with tho poront northern notions,"E hut. othorwise tho plo

. . um] and in Hun Itvnne "mu l1“ nun-m “all Hun hnnnu nf‘ Hun! uuu, mu“ w vuu .g. AI) "u. .n.. ll».‘l..l.l\.!\.\‘ w-u unuux u; ILAA‘JL

Hr." u l muu, mm M ' loo o.' Asnm

inf-urn I.» ‘mgl‘vlg lung“ nnnnnv appear “I navy noun l-I-LLUvUL

peopling them. I Their colonies gradually expanded into what was m'ontuolly known as tho kingdom

of Kémurfipa or Kfimrfi‘p; they oooupied all the country that is not" omht‘sood within the confines of tho British Empire in that direction, and they had fortified cities in. advance of the existing British outpost-S, hut their dynasty was overthrown hy horlmrions from 1-,an north, the hordes that gave birth to tho Kuchuries or Bodos, tho Chutio. thong, and Much whose chiefs became rulers of the country, but mlol‘)to(l the. lunguag‘o and civiliza- tion which they found there. Aftor seven hundred yours of their rule, tho mnmtry t The invaded by a dork-skinned people, from the west and south-wrest, who overthrew the Knolmri or Chutiu dynasty in Lovror Kahmrlip and established them the authority of ‘1 «h- owl: chief; This doflooskionrd peoplo are. too lio'ooh, who have hitlwrtoi enamo- ously '1. think, boon clogged as holonging to the Lolnitio or lmlo-Chirwso race. I. believe Hm "Mm-h to he ahrzmnh nl‘ Hm grout. Blmjyat or lihoniyt family, whoa- 1 class as

pl“) 1‘.” In.” I! - —--..-- u- u-..


' And it. is very mum-thh that '1': ll tlll‘mlgll film“. t‘fllwchllly through tho KHz-hut, that tho commotion hetwum the Lohitic mm. and the Mun-igloo» of the Gnngotic provinces ll must clearly traced.

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