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When summun ’ed hax’d fur a son, an’ ’e promised a son to she,
An’ Roä was as good as the Hangel i’ saävin’ a son fur me.
An’ Roä was as good as the Hangel i’ saävin’ a son fur me.
Sa I browt tha down, an’ I says ‘I mun gaw up agean fur Roä.’
‘Gaw up ageän fur the varmint?’ I tell’d ’er ‘Yeäs I mun goä.’
‘Gaw up ageän fur the varmint?’ I tell’d ’er ‘Yeäs I mun goä.’
An’ I claumb’d up ageän to the winder, an’ clemm’d25 owd Roä by the ’eäd,
An’ ’is ’air coom’d off i’ my ’ands an’ I taäked ’im at fust fur dead;
An’ ’is ’air coom’d off i’ my ’ands an’ I taäked ’im at fust fur dead;
Fur ’e smell’d like a herse a-singein’, an’ seeäm’d as blind as a poop,
An’ haäfe on ’im bare as a bublin’.26 I couldn’t wakken ’im oop,
An’ haäfe on ’im bare as a bublin’.26 I couldn’t wakken ’im oop,
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