A Marriage Below Zero.
Alaska. I put up at the Adelphi Hotel, and gave
orders that as soon as the Alaska was sighted I should be notified. I went down to the dock in due course. I watched the crowd of cabin passengers alight from the tender, but my husband and his accomplice were not to be found.
Later, I learned that several passengers had landed at Queenstown, and I could not doubt but that they had been among them. They had probably suspected that I might follow on a fast Cunarder, and had rightly thought that I should not stop at Queenstown.
Well, they had won the battle, and if two men could find any glory in having vanquished one weak woman, let them find and keep it, I said to myself bitterly.
I was defeated and heart-broken. I returned to the house in Kew, "wound up" my affairs there—as they say in the mercantile world—and went abroad, in seclusion.