A Marriage Below Zero.
big marble building on the corner o' Twen'y-third
Street and Broadway," said he stolidly. "He said he guessed it was an hotel, and I said I guessed he meant the Fifth Avenue. When we got there, a man come to the carriage and helped him out. I guess the man was expectin' him. No, I didn’t hear what they says. A porter come up and took the gen'lman's baggage. He give me a five dollar bill, and told me not to wait. That’s all I know, mum."
"What kind of a man met Mr. Ravener at the hotel?" I exclaimed, gasping, with a terrible fear upon me.
"I dunno, mum," was the answer. "A ordinary, every-day gen'lman, he seemed to me. He was rather stout, I think, but I didn’t pay no partickler attention to him, mum. I ain't in the habit of lookin' at every man I meet so as I can give a description of him afterwards, mum."
"Was Mr. Ravener's baggage taken upstairs?" I asked, trying to speak calmly.
"I dunno, mum. Ye see when I got my fare I just skipped. T'wasn’t no good my waitin' around."