A Marriage Below Zero.
I watched the effect of these words, shot at random. It was undeniable. Captain Dillington gasped. The blood left his cheeks and his lips. He was taken utterly aback. I had evidently started in the right direction. He must be the go between, but as I had seen no woman, it was not necessary that I should mention one.
"You are surprised, Captain Dillington?" I demanded quietly, though I was trembling with agitation.
"I—I simply do not understand you."
"Do you understand me, Arthur?" I asked, turning to my husband.
"I—I will not listen to your suspicions," began my husband, with such a weak attempt at resistance that it sounded more like an entreaty. "Elsie, you have no right here. You—you betray w-want of confidence in—in me. I will not stay—"
"You will!" I cried, placing my back to the door. "You shall not leave this room. Don't dare to try it," I continued, losing all my calmness, as a tide of anger swept over me, overwhelming caution. "Captain Dillington, if you