The object of this Cyclopedia is to present as comprehensive an account as possible of the State of Western Australia in all its varied aspects and interests—historical, descriptive, industrial, agricultural, and other. Twenty years ago the Western State still rested in the mist of obscurity, but when with a touch of the Magician's wand its golden treasures were revealed, a change came o'er the scene, and to-day, in point of importance and prosperity, Western Australia stands second to no State in the great Commonwealth of Australia.
In the compilation of the volume every care has been exercised, and though fully conscious of its defects I have endeavoured so far a possible to avoid error and secure accuracy, so that in the days to come it may be need with confidence as a work of reference. For the historical portion all responsibility must rest with me. Wherever possible I hare taken advantage of previous publications, and desire to acknowledge my indebtedness to them all, more particularly to Kimberley's "History of Western Australia," the "Twentieth Century Impressions of Western Australia," Calvert's "Discovery of Australia," Dr. J. E. Heeres' "Part played by the Dutch in the Discovery of Australia," and to the excellent historical summary prepared for the "Year Book, 1905." Newspaper files, official reports, and all those avenues of research open to one with the treasures of a large Public Library at his disposal have also been drawn upon, in the hope of presenting a full and true account of the history of the State.
For contributed articles I am indebted to the Government Geologist for the article on Geology, Mineralogy, and Palaeontology; to Mr. J. J. East for those on the Fauna and Flora; to Mr. C. Battye for those on the Governors, the Federal Parliament, and the Press, to Lieut.-Colonel Collett for that on the Military and Naval Forces; to Mr. J. F. Conigrace for the sketch of the Commerce the State; to Mr. W. Somerville for the article on Industrial Arbitration; and to Mr. George Stacy for that on the Metropolitan Municipalities. To all these I desire to render my thanks, as well as to the many public officials who have always been ready to render whatever assistance lay in their power, and without whose help the task of compilation would have been extremely difficult.