the King's Daughter.
knew that their parents intended to do away with them. Then they went away sadly; and they walked on till they came to a place where twelve roads met, and there they sat down, and consulted together what they should do.
Then said the eldest, "Let us each one take a road, and go our own way; and, at the end of seven years, when this day shall come round again, let us all meet in this place, if we are alive."
They agreed to that; and they each went their own way down the twelve roads.
It was days that the youngest lad had travelled till he got him a master, who employed him to herd cattle; and the master was well pleased with him, and showed him kindness. Now the land was under spells; for, every seventh year, there came a great Dragon, and took away the eldest daughter of the King of that country; and the time was drawing nigh for the Dragon to come; and the people were very sorry, for the King's daughter was fair and amiable, and beloved in the realm. So the King issued a proclamation, that any man who slew this Dragon should get