( 3063 )
Dryandra nervosa. Nerve-leaved Dryandra.
Class and Order.
Tetandria Monogynia.
(Nat. Ord.––Proteaceæ)
Generic Character.
Perianthum. quadripartitum vel quadrifidum. Stamina. apicibus concavis laciniarum immersa. Squamulæ hypogynæ 4. Ovarium biloculare, loculis monospermis. Folliculus ligneus: diseppimento libero, bifido. Receptaculum commune planum, floribus indeterminatim confertis; paleis angustis, raro nullis. Involucrum commune imbricatum. Br.
Specific Character and Synonyms.
Descr. A small shrub, about two feet high, with downy, stout tortuose branches. Leaves nearly a foot long, including the petiole, deeply pinnatifid, coriaceous, dark green above, clothed with rusty down beneath, the segments one to two inches long, broadly linear, dilated at the base, acute at the point, marked with three to four parallel
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- Named in compliment to the eminent and learned Swedish Botanist,