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Gesneria bulbosa. Bulbous-rooted Gesneria.


Class and Order.

Didynamia Angiospermia.
(Nat. Ord.–Gesneriæ)

Generic Character.

Cal. 5-partitus (plerumque germini adnatus). Cor. tubuloso-campanulata, limbo bilabiato; labio superiore bi-inferiore trifido. Stigma bilobum. Capsula bilocularis, bivalvis, placentis parictalibus.

Specific Character and Synonyms.

Gesneria[1] bulbosa; pubescenti-tomentosa, foliis oppositis cordato-ovatis crenato-serratis, panicula terminali, corollæ labio superiore longissimo bifida recto, inferiore minuto reflexo.
Gesneria bulbosa. Ker in Bot. Reg. t. 343. Spreng. Syst. Veget. v. 2. p. 839.

Descr. Root, or rather root-stalk, a large, large tuber. Stem erect, herbaceous, downy, simple, in our plant two to three feet high. Leaves opposite, short petioled, cordato-ovate, downy, especially beneath, glaucous-green. Panicle terminal, of many large and splendidly-coloured scarlet flowers. Bracteæ cordate. Calyx five-cleft, the segments short, linear, subulate. Corolla three inches long, tubular, enlarged upward, contracted just below the base, the very base five-lobed, and remarkably inflated, orange-yellow,

  1. Named in honour of Conrad Gesner, a celebrated Physician and Botanist, and a native of Switzerland.


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