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Some of the Summer Iqycatchers of Arizona. ]BY O. V. HOVARI), FT. HUACI-IUCA ARIZOHA. [Read befbre the Southeln 'l)ivision of the Cooper Orn. Club, Aug. 3 o, x899. ] SULPHUR-BELLIED FLYCATCHER. HIS large and handsome flycatcher is one of the rarest and least con- spicuous of its family and its range in the United States is extremely small, it being found only in the higher moun- tain ranges of Southern Arizona and Southern New Mexico. I believe there are more of these birds in the Hua- chuca Mts. than in any other range north of the Mexican line, although other flycatchers being entirely absent. A person might be in the immediate vicinity for hours without seeing thein and for this reason the nests are hard to locate, although a person could find them if he had plenty of spare time in which to watch the birds. After the eggs are hatched the birds become quite bold and noisy and may be easily kcated by their peculiar note which 2Vest and eggs qlC the S)tlphur-bellird Flycalcher. even there very few are found. Dur- ing four successive seasons' collecting in this locality I have not seen more than a d(zen pairs of the birds, and during that time have examined five nests, all of which contained young,- the result of collecting. birds' eggs on Sunday! The birds are so shy and so different from otker flycatchers thzt it takes a long time to become acquailated with their habits. In the breeding season the birds keep in the thick foliage of the trees and catch their insect prey in a very quiet way, the twitching, uneasy habits of sounds like the squeaking of a limb ora wheelbarrow which needs oiling. I noticed the first birds on the 4th of June and I do not think they arrive be- fore the tst. In my observations of these birds I have found that they use the same nesting cavity year after year and zs soon as they appear in the spring they may be seen in the vicin- ity of their old nests. The nesting sea- son (ff this species is very late; I do not know of any eggs being taken bef(re the first of July and I found a nest with young just hatched on August 28,

t899. I think fresh eggs may be found

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