Thick-billed, 54.
Townsend's, 28.
Tree, 46.
Western Chipping, 42, 43, 93.
Western Lark, 92.
Western Savanna, 92.
Western Vesper, 92.
White-throated, 52, 93.
Spatula clypeata, 9 o.
Speotyto cunicularia hypogæa, 92.
Spinus lawrencei, 42, 45, 92.
psaltria, 42, 45.
psaltria arizonæ, 73.
Spizella atrigularis, 107.
breweri, 93., 94.
socialis arizonæ, 42, 68, 93.
Sphyrapicus ruber, 28, 54.
Stephens, F., lassoing a California Vulture, 88.
Sterna fosteri, 9 .
Sturnella magna neglecta, 45, 68, 92.
Swallow, Barn. 45.
Cliff, 7.
Tree, 52.
Violet-green, 7, 8, 29, 73.
Swarth, H. S., two albinos from Los Angeles, Cal., 6; Black Oystercatcher on Anacapa Islands, 85; notes from Los Angeles, Cal., 94.
Swift, Black, 94.
Vaux 44.
White-throated, 43.
Symphemia semipalmata inornata, 91.
Tachycineta thalassina, 29, 68.
Tanager, Louisiana, 8.
Taylor, H. R., the individuality of eggs, 99.
Teal, Green-winged, 90.
Tern, Least, 49.
Royal, 102.
Thrasher, California, 95.
Le Conte's 36.
Sage, 93.
Thrush, Audubon's Hermit, 94.
Dwarf Hermit, 8, 30, 45, 52, 54.
Russet-backed, 7, 52, 96.
Varied, 52.
Thryomanes bewickii spilurus, 42, 43.
Thryothorus bewickii leucogaster. 93.
Titmouse, Plain, 53.
Towbee, Abert's, 89, 93.
California Brown, 61, 81.
Green-tailed, 7, 8.
Northern Brown, 11.
Oregon, 42, 6.
Tringa bairdi, 91.
Trochilus alexandri, 92.
violajugulum, 99.
Troglodytes ædon aztecus, 68.
hiemalis pacificus, 72.
Turnstone, Common, 94.
Turdus aonalaschkæ, 8I.
chinensis, 46.
sequoiensis, 21.
Tyrannus verticalis, 45.
Uria, 90.
Verdin, 93.
Vireo flavoviridis forreri, 66.
gilvus, 68.
huttoni, 44.
Vireo, Cassin's, 7, 8.
Warbling, 7.
Vulture, California, 88.
Tnrkey, 22, 91.
Warbler, Audubon's, 8, 17, 29, 39, 45, 64, 81, 93.
Black-throated Gray, 7, 8, 64, 96
Calaveras, 7, 8, 60.
Dusky, 17, 42, 43, 86.
Grace's, 39.
Hermit, 8, 48, 59, 77.
Hoover's, 32.
Lucy's, 37.
Lutescent, 7, 8, 72.
Macgillivray's, 7, 81, 82.
Myrtle, 31, 54.
Olive, 37.
Pileolated, 7, 96.
Red-faced, 65.
Sonora Yellow, 39.
Townsend's, 8.
Virginia's, 63.
Yellow, 7, 81.
Waxwing, Cedar, 7.
Welch, J. M., the Phainopepla in Calaveras county, 8; notes on Lewis' Woodpecker, 29; echoes from an outing, 108.
Widgeon, 90.
Willard, J. M., nesting of the Water Ouzel, 23; Oregon Vesper Sparrow in Alameda county, 30.
Willet, Western, 9.
Woodpecker, Baird's, 92.
California, 7.
Gila, 92.
Lewis', 7, 29, 53.
Pileated, 48.
Wren, Baird's, 93.
Cactus, 93.
Dotted Canon, 77.
Parkman's, 53.
Rock, 41, 93.
Tule, 53, 93.
Vigor's, 17, 42, 43, 53.
Western Winter, 53, 72 , 95.
Yellowthroat, Western, 7, 93, 96.
Zamelodia melanocephala, 68.
Zenaidura macroura, 67, 9 .
Zonotrichia albicollis, 52.
toronatal, 45.
leucophrys, 80, 94.
leucophrys intermedia, 6, 41, 92, 95.