Hummingbird, Anna's, 28, 42, 7 I.
Allen's, 8, 42, 71. Black-chinned, 7, 92. Costa's, 7- Rufous, 7. Hylocichla aonalaschka, 45, 54- aonalaschka auduboni, 21. ustulata cedica, 29. IBts, White-faced Glossy, 9. Icterus bullocki, 45. cucullatus nelsoni, 68.. JAY, Santa Cruz, 6, 42, 43, 79, 86. Jewerr, F. B., nesting observations on the Black Phoebe, 13. Johnson, A. W., an account of the taking of four sets of eggs of the Ivory Gull, 54. Johnson, H. C., nesting of Wilson's Snipe in Utah, 6; a successful day with the Duck Hawks, 45; ravens nesting on a railroad bridge, 71. Junco caniceps, 8t. hyemalis, 52, 73, 81, 95. byemalls oregonus, 45, 79, 80, 81, 93- byemalls pinesus, 81. byemalls thurberi, 68, 80, 81. Junco, Oregon, 45, 93. Slate-colored, 52, 81. Thurber's, 7, 8. KAEDING, H. B., the genus funco in Califor- nia, 79. Killdeer, 9 L Kingbird, Arkansas, 7, 45- Cassin's, 7. Kingfisher, Belted, 7, 8, 46, 92 Kinglet, Ruby-crowned, 7, 52, 54, 03. Western Golden-crowned, 28, 52 . Kite, Black, 46. Kobbe, W. H., observations on the nesting of Parus rulescerts in Washington, 84. LXNlUS ludovicianus dnthonyi, 42, 79. ludovicianus excubitorides, 93. Lark, Horned, 85. Desert Horned, 92. Dusky Horned, 85. Island Horned, 4 t. Larus delawarensis, 9 o. eburneus, 54. cccidentalis, Leland, H. J., nesting of the Western Fly- catcher in San Gabriel Canon, 82. Leucosticte, Gray-crowned, 119. Limosa fedoa, 91. Linton, C. B., observations on the American Raven in Southern California, 68. Littlejohn, C., three records for San Mateo Co., Cal., 73. Loon, Pacific, 19 . Lophortyx californica vallicola, 67. Loxia curvirostra minor, 5 t, 54. Lusk, R. D., nesting of the Sulphur-bellied Flycatcher, 112, MAGPIE, 46. Black-billed, 29. Yellow-billed, 29 . Mailliard, J., spring notes on the birds of Santa Cruz island, California, April, 1898 , 41; notes from Marin and San Benito counties, Cal., 53. Mallard, 90. Martin, Western, 81. McCormick, A. I., breeding habits of the Least Tern in Los Angeles Co., Cal., 49. McGregor, R. C., a new race of the Brown Towbee, 11; protective coloration, I6; the Myrtle Warbler in California and description of a new race, 31; description of a new California song sparrow, 35;
Eastern Junco and White-throated Spar-
row in California, 52; some summer birds of Palamar Mts. from the notes of J. Maurice Hatch, 67; "circumstances alter cases," 69; notes on California song sparrows, 87; a plea for the general use of scientific names, 114. McLain, R. B., notice of his 'Contributions to North American Herpetology,' 56; a pro- test, 99. Meadowlark, Western, 45, 92. Megascops asio bendirei, 92. asio trichopsis, 92. Melanerpes formicivorus bairdi, 67. torquatus, 29, 53. uropygialis, 92. Melospiza fasciata fallax, 93. fasciata graminca, 44, 86. fasciata ingersolli. 35. fasciata montana, 28. lincolni, 45. melodia clementte, 88. melodia cleonensis, 87. melodia gouldii, 87. melodia mgersolli, 88. melodia pusillula, 87. melodia samuelis, 87. Milvus ater, 46. Mimus polyglottos, 27, 42, 93. Mockingbird, 17, 27, 42 , 93. Molothrus ater obscurus, 92. ,Myiarchus cinerascens, 67. Murrelet Xantus, lO2. NELSON, E. W., notice of his 'Natural History of the Tres Marias Islands, Mexico,' 115. Nighthawk, Texan, 7. Western, 28. Northern Division, official minutes of, 15, 58 76 , lO% 119 . Numenius longirostris, 91. Nuthatch, Red-br, eastd, 28, 52, 53. Slender-billed, 52 , 83. Nycticorax nycticorax nmvius, 91. OtDEtlA deglandi, 9 o. Old-Squaw, 51 . Oreortyx pictus, 79. pictus plumiferus, 67, 80. Oriole, Arizona Hooded, 7. Bullock's, 7, 29, 45. Orocoptes montanus, 93. Osgood, W. H., notice of his 'Uhamafasciat
and its Subspecies,' 74.