of the Oregon Towbee, (31; Macgillivray's
Warbler in Alameda county, Cal., 82; notes from Alameda, Cal., 95; a northern record for the Black-chinued Spar- row, lo 7 . Colapres eafer, 44, 67, 92. Columba faseiata, 67. Columbigallina passerina palleseens, 91. Condor, California, 19 , 25, 73. Contopus borealis, 8o. riehardsonii, 67. Cooper, a sketch of James G., 1. Cooper Ornithological Club of California, list of members of the, Coot, American, 91. Cormorant, Baird's, 85. Brandt's, 9o. Fatallone, 85, Corvus americanus, 68. corx sinuatus, 45, 68, 02. Cowbird, Dwarf, 92. Crow, Ringed, 46 . Crane, Sandhill, 91 . Creeper, California, 53. Crossbill, American, 3o, 54. Cuckoo, California, 95. Curlew, Long-billed, 45, 91. Cyanocitta stelleri, 79. stelleri frontalis, 67. Cyanospiza amcena, 45, 68. Cypseloides niger, 77. DAGGETT, F. S., a record for Los Angeles county, Cal., 5; importance of accur- acy in lists, IIS; Gray-crowned Leu- costicte on Mt. Whitney, Cal., 119. Dendrocygna fulva, 9. Dendroica estiva, 68. auduboni, 3 I, 45, 93. coronata, 3 I, 54. coronata hooveri, 32. occidentalis, 59. olichonyx oryzivorus, 73. Dove, Mexican Ground, 73, 91. Mourning, 91 . Dryobates scalaris bairdi, 92. Duck, Fulvous Tree, 9, lO, 5- Ruddy, io. Lesser Scaup, 90. Ring-necked, 9o. AGLE, Bald, 42. Golden, 22, 5% 79, 9 I* ditorial, 14, 34, 56, 74, 98, riB. merson, W. O., Dr..James G. Cooper, i; com- ing of the Mockingbird, 27; fall notes from Haywards, Cal., 28; American Crossbills in Alameda county, Cal., 3o; albino Dwarf Hermit Thrush and West- crn Robin, 3o; winter observations on Anna's Hummingbird, 71. gmerson, W. Otto, a sketch of, 2o. gmpidonax insulicola, 42. greunetes occidentalis, 91. CALCO cooperi, 2. perigrinus ariaturn, 44, 91. sparverius deserticolus, 44, 67, 91. Finch, House, 6, 24, 29, 41 , 81, 92. California Purple, 7. Flicker, Red-shafted, 44, 92. Flycatcher, Ash-throated, 7. Buff-breasted, lO5. Hammond's, 7. Olivaceous, lO4. Olive-sided, 7. Sulphur-bellied, lO3, Vermilion, 7, 92 Western, 7, 42, 82. Forrer, Alphouse, obituary notice of, 66. Fulica americana 9x. GAYLORD, IX. A., spring migration in the San Gabriel valley, 7. Geococcyx californianus, 92. Geothylpis trichas occidentalis, 93. Gnatcatcher, Plumbeous, 93. Godwit, Marbled, 91. Goldfinch, Arkansas, 42. Lawrence's, 42, 92. Goose, White-cheeked, 8x. Grebe, American Eared, 19. Pied-billed, 90, Western, 90. Grinnell, J., the Rhinoceros Auklet at Catalina island, 17. Grosbeak, Black-headed, 7, 45, 79. Western Blue, 8, 44. Western Evening, 31, 54, 77. Guillemot, 9 . Guiraca cerula lazula, 44. Gull, Heernmnn's ioi. Ivory, 54. Ring-billed, 9 . Western, 4 I, 9 o, iol. Grus mexicana, 9 I. I-LamA melanocephala, 45. I-Ialieetus leucocephalus, 42. Hawfinch, Masked, 46. Hawk, Cooper's, 44, 9 I. Desert Sparrow, 44, 9 I. Duck, 44, 45. Marsh, q4- Red-bellied, 5I. Sharp-shinned, 7, 44, 9 I- Zone-tailed, 9i.. Heleodytes brunneicapillus, 93. Helminthophila celata sordida, i8, 42. rubricapilla gutturalis, 6o. Heron, Black-crowned Night, 9, 9 I. Great. Blue, 91, loi. Green, 9 I. Hitundo erythrogaster, 45- Holmes, F. H., the Old-Squaw and. Fulvons Tree Duck at Alviso, Cal., 5I. Hoover, T. J., the gopher snake as a despoiler of quails' nests, 75. Howard, O. W., summer resident warblers of Arizona, 37, 63; some of the summer fly-
catchers of Arizona, io 3.