ing the thermometer registered 38 deg. and they were all awakened in the night by a hail- storm, the pellets as big as eggs (/-/urnming-. bird's) banging on the shake roofs with a tre- mendous noise. An interestiug letter from Joe Grinnell writteu a few days before he left Cape Nome for home was also read. By the way, Robertson, I was the only member pres- ent, but we had all the elements of a success- ful meeting and with the above pointers you ought to give a report which will make the Northern fellows green with envy! Where were the rest of them? Not necessary to state number of members present! Truly Yours, FRANK S. DAGGETT. Publications Received. Jordan, David Starr and Richard C. Mc- Gregor. List of the Fishes Collected at the Revillagigedo Archipelago and Neighboring Islands. (U.S. Fish Corn. Rept., 898 , 27- 284.), Newton, Prof. Alfred. A Dictionary Birds. Cheap Issue, Unabridged. Oct., 899, pp. o88. Macmillan Co., New York. Norris, J. Parker Jr. Some Facts About the Consistency of the Chairman of the A. O. U. Committee on Bird Protection. Privately Printed, Philadelphia, i89q. Annual Report of /he Smi/hsonian Ins/i/u- lion, 896. Bird Lore, I, No. 5, Oct. 899. Journal of lhe W[aine Ornilhological Sociely, I, No. 4, Oct., I899. traine Sporlsman, VI, Nos. 73 and 74, Sept. and Oct., I899. J/[useum, V, Nos. H and i2, Sept. and Oct., rlh tmerican Fauna No. 6. Results of a Biological Survey of Mr. Shasta, Cal., Oct. 28, 899. Oologisl, XVI, Nos. 9 and m, Sept. aud Oct., 899. Osprey, IV, Nos. and 2, Sept. and Oct., 899. Publications of the U.S. National Museum, Nos. m76 , m78 , m79, io8o, o83, o9o, o9I, o93, H6, 8, i34 , 44, H53 and i66. Recrealion, XI, Nos. 3, 4 and 5, Sept., Oct. and Nov., 899. Sports Afield, XXIII, Nos. 4 aud 5, Oct. and Nov., 899. Sunsel, III, No. 6, Oct., 899. Filson ]ulleln, No. 28, Sept. 30, 899. fist of Members of the Cooper Ornitho- Iooical Club of California Nov. 5, 899. (Membership is in California unless otherwise desig- nated,) HONORARY. Belding, Lyman, Stockton Bryant, 'Walter E, Santa Rosa, Sonoma Co Cooper, Dr J G, Haywards, Alameda Co ACTIVE. Adams, Ernest, 364 South 9th St, San Jose krtthony, A W, Taylors,ille, Pluanaa Co Arnold, Ralph"Stanford University Atkinson, Wm L, Santa Clara Barlow, C, Santa Clar Beck, Rollo H, Berryessa Bolton, A I. Berkeley CartfKer , Henry W, r9io r-2 Lyon St, 8an Francisco Chambers, Lee, Santa Monica Chumberlin, Corydon, Sonora, Tuolumne Co Chumberlin, George D. H5o Park Ave, Alameda Chainbliss, George S, Pasadena Clark, U S, San Jose Cohen, Donald A, Alameda Cummings, Claude, P/nolo, Contra Costa Co Duggott, F S, 255 Ramona St, Pasadena Davis, Evan, Orange Emerson, W Otto, Haywards, Alameda Co Flower, N M, Copperopolis Gay, Harold, Stanford University Gaylord, H A, Baltimore, Md Gilman, P K, Palo Alto Grinnell, Jos, 572 N Marengo Ave, Pasadena Groesbeck, Charles E, Pasadena Hall, Harvey M, Riverside Heller, Edmund, StartIBrd University Holmes, F H, Berryessa Hoover, Theodore J, StartIbrd University Howard, O W, Ft Huachuca, Arizona Illingworth, J F, PomonaCollege, Claremont Ingersoll, A M, 86 5th St, San Diego Johnson, A W, Waterside, Marple, Cheshire, Eng Johnson, H C, American Fork, Utah Judson, W B, Highland Park Kaeding, H B, Taylorsville, Plumas C o Kessing. Lawrence, i43 o Sta, Clara Ave, Alameda Kobbe, Wm H, Ft Mason, San Francisco Lamb, Chester C, Box i93 Berkeley Leland, H J, I3O7 E r2th St, Los Angeles Mailliard, J.hn W, 307 Sansome St, San Francisco " Jos, San Geronimo, Marin Co McCormick, A I, 403 Bradbury Blk, Los Angeles McGregor, Ricbard C, Palo Alto McLain, Rob/B, Wheeling W Va . Moody, C A 2oi Columbia St, Pasadena Moody, Mrs C A, " Moran, Nathan M, 2400 Bancroft Way, Berkeley Moran, R B, San Luis obispo Neuenburg, John J, Jr, 22i oth Ave San Francisco Osgood, W H, Biological Survey, Washington, D C Owen, Virgil W, Box 774, Los Angeles Pain/on, H R, New Almaden, Santa Clara Co Price, Wm W, Nordhod, Ventura Co Randall, C W, Jr, Box 87 Oakland Ray, Milton S, iz Cal St, San Francisco Red/rig/on, Alfred P, Santa Barbara Reiser, Roy F, 86 Worcester Ave, Pasadena Reynolds, Roth, Los Angeles Rising, H G, 224 S Olive St, Los Angeles Robertson, Howard, Box 55 Station A, Los Angeles Sampson, Waiter B, 36 S Cal St, Stockton Sampson, Wm F, Lodi, San Joaquin Co Schneider, F A, Jr, College Park Schneider, J J, Anaheim Simmons, Edward, Box r75, Pasadena Shields, A M, Crocker Bld, Sala Francisco Slevin, T E, 243 Sacramento St, San Francisco Steinbeck, Win, Salinas, Monterey Co Stephens, F, 'aitch Creek, San Diego Co Swarth, H S, 25 Commonwealth Ave, Los '.ngeles Taylor, Edwarct K, Alameda Taylor, Harry R, Box xo65, Alameda Taylor, Loren E, Fyffe, El Dorado Co Torrey, H Beal, Berkeley Tyler, W E, I3 So Broadway, Los Angeles Ward, Harold C, 723 Paru St, Alameda Warren, E V, Pacific Grove Welch, John M, Copperololis Wicks, M L, Jr, o4 So Olive St, Los Angeles Willard, John M, 222i Elm St, Oakland Wheeler, R S, x4x7 Grand St, Alameda Wood, C H, 59 Orange Grove Ave, Pasadena Zschokke, A J, Palo Alto DECEASED. Brokaw, Louis W, Salinas, Monterey Co Cobleigh, Wm S, Los Angeles
Hatch, J Maurice, Escortdido