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6ray-crowned Lencosticte Mt. Whit- ney, Cal. While making the ascent of Mt. Whitney, July 23, I found the Gray- crowned Leucosticte fairly abundant. In the Upper Crab-tree meadow half a dozen were seen feeding about moist grassy places, and at the foot of the trail to the top, at the old bolometer station, about i2,ooo feet elevation, a dozen or more came into camp after crumbs, hopping within five feet of members of the party. Right under the crest of Mt. Whit- ney, at an elevation of about i5,ooo ft., a pair were gleaning food from a large snow drift. This bank had melted, leaving cones of snow t8 inches high all over its surface, and the birds flew from cone to cone exanfining all sides. Upon investigation I found quite a number of lepidopterous insects (no coleoptera) adhering to the moist sur- faces and the birds were evidently feed- ing upon them. A storm of hail pass- ing over drove the birds under granite slabs for shelter, but they were back onto the drift as soon as it ceased. Specimens taken and dissected, at ii,- ooo feet elevation, showed no trace of insect food. However, it is of interest to know that the highest point in the United States outside of Alaska, (Mt. Whitney i5,o86 feet elevation) can sus- tain bird life. I saw no (th_r variety of bird above the timber line. FRANK S. DAGGETT. Pasadena, Cal. Official Minutes of Northern Division. NOVEMBER. The Division met at the home of H. C. Ward in Alameda Nov. 4, President Emerson in the chair and thirteen members in attendance. Lawrence Kessing of Alameda was elected to active membership. Bills for current ex- penses, amouutiBg to $3.x5 were paid. Upon motion, Mr. Emerson was requested to com- plete his design for a new cover for the BUL- LETIN, when it shall begin its second volume as "The Condor," and after approval by the Publication Committee a cut was ordered made to be used on the Jannary issue. Nominations for officers for 9oo resulted as follows: For President, W. Otto Emerson; Vice President, Theodore J. Hoover; Secretary, C. Barlow; Treasurer, Donald A. Cohen. Mr. McGregor spoke upon a new line of work which the Club proposes to undertake in x9oo,--that of issuing special publications or memoirs as funds and material warrant. It was ordered that such publications be authorized and issued by the Club from time to time and under such title as may be later determined upon. F. W. Koch of Merced and Wm. R. Flint of Oakland were dropped for delinquency. Mr. Mc- Gregor presented an interesting paper entitled "Dicromatism in the Genus Carpodacus" which was amply illustrated with skins of vari- ous forms of the (rpodaci group. A paper by Mr. Jos. Mailliard entitled "Land Birds of Marin Co., Cal." was read by title owing to the lateness of the hour. Adjourned to meet at the home of C. Barlow in Santa Clara on January 6. C. BARLOW, Division Secretary. Official Minntesof Sonthem Division. SEPTEMBER. The Division met at the home of M. L. Wicks Jr., with President McCormick in the chair. The name of Mr. Roth Reynolds was proposed for active membership. The name of Harry H. Dunn which was proposed for membership at the last meeting was with- drawn. The Outing Committee failed to de- cide upon a place for the outing and was given further time to act. Resolutions from the Northern Division to change the present name of the BULLETIN to that of "The Condor" were read, the change to be made with the January number. A letter from C. Barlow pertaining to the subject was also read. The change was adopted by unanimous vote of those present. It was, however, recommended that the words "Continuation of" be dropped, making the new title read: "The Condor; Bulletin of the Cooper Ornithological Club." Mr. Daggett read a paper entitled "Desirability of Positive Identification in Ligts." Two papers from the Northern Division were read. Adjourned. HOWARD ROBERTSON, Division Sec'y. MR. F. S. DAGGETT'S PRIVATE REPORT OF THE OUTING MEETING. My Dear Robertson: The Cooper Ornithological Club held its an- nnal meeting at Wilson's Peak Oct. 8- 30, the feature this year bein the attendance of visit- ors, among which were A. N. Wright, Mrs. F. S. Daggett, Miss Ethel Daggett and Geo. Key. Several papers of rare interest were read (be- sides the Los Angeles 7'imes, Los Angeles Ear- press, Pasadena Star etc.) Flash messages were sent to absent members at Los Angeles 2 3 miles distant, also to Santa Monica 41 miles away, (no reply received). The members nmde their headquarters at Martin's Camp but extended their investigation to Strain's Camp beyond; in fact covered the peak pretty thoroughly during the three days No new birds were noted but many old friends iB the shape of Thick-billed Sparrows, Mountain Chickadees, West. Bluebird and a pair of California Vult- ures circling over Eaton Canon were noted.

When the party started down Monday morn-

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