7 Spizella socialis arizonm. VrESTERN CHIPPING SPARROW. A single specimen was shot on the mesa at Yuma Nov. 27 . 71 X;bizella brewer/. BREWER'S SPARROW. Seen only on the mesa near Yuma. 7 2 /ttnco orcg'onus. ? OREGON Jt:NCO. A small flock of juncos was seen in a willow thicket near the line, Dec. 2. 73 ,4mphispiza belli cinera. ? GRAY SAGE SPARROX. V. A few were seen in dense thickets of Mtriplex- near Yuma. 74 Jfelospiza./sciata fallax. DESERT SON(; SPARROW. Common in damp thick- ets along the Colorado. I did not observe a song sparrow in the salt marshes. 75 ?ipilo abeIll. ABERT'S TOWHEE. Extremely abundant in the river bottoms. 76 ?hainopepla nilens. PHAItOPEVLA. Abundant wherever there were mes- quite ;rees infested with mistletoe. With many other birds they feed upon the ripe berries. 77 Lanius ludovicianus excubitorides. WHITE-RUMPED SHRIKE. Several were seen on the mesa and in the river bottom. 78 Dendroca audubonL AUDUBON'S WARBLER. Abundant everywhere in the river bottom. 79 Geoth?fiis trichas occ;dentalis. WESTERN XxrELLOW-THROAT. Not uncommon in the river bottom among tule and cane thickets. 8o Mnlhuspensilvanicus A>ERICAN PIPIT. Common along the river from Vuma to salt water. Often seen in scattered flocks on the sand bars and low banks. 8 Oroscoptes montanus. SAGE THRASHER. Common in the dry brushy thickets in the river bottom. 82:7[imttspol_lff/ottos. MOCKINGBIRD. Common in the dryer portions of the river bottom. 83 JZeleod3,tes brunneicapillus. CACTUS WRE,X. Common among mesquite trees in rver bottom. 84 alpinctes obsolettts. Rock, WREN. A few were seen about deserted and ruined buildings in Yuma. 8 5 7'hrvothorus bewickii leuco'aster. BAIRD'S WREN. Observed only once, Dec. , on the bottom near the Sonora line. 86 Cislothoruspalustrispaludicola. TULE WREN. Common in tule tracts and about the salt marshes at the head of the Gulf. 87 ,4uroSarus.flaviceps. VERDIt, . Common in mesquite and willow thickets; sometimes seen in scattered flocks of ten or twenty. 88 Z?e.ulns ca[eJdula. RUBY-CROWNED KINGLET. Common in bottoms wherever there were trees and bushes. 89 l'oliopt/laplumbea. PLU>IBOt:S GNATCATcnER. A single specimen was seen on the mesa south of the line. 90 Sialia me. ricana occideJdalis. WSTERt,' BLUEBIRD. Common in the river bottom, feeding largely on the ripe berries of mistletoe. 9 Sialia arctica. MO[:tTAI,X BI, IBrRr). Common about alfalfa fields in the river bottom. I (lid not observe this species feeding on the mistletoe. Echoes from the Field. Bobolink at ontcrcy and White-throated Sparrow at Santa 6ruz. Gal. Mr. C. Littlejohn's capture of a Bobolink at Redwood City is not the first record for California. On Oct. t4, 896, I shot a female Bobolink near Monterey. This capture has been re- ported at different times, but so far as I am aware, has not yet appeared in print. On New ear's Day, x894, I took at Santa Cruz a male White-throated Sparrow and later saw another. This was the fifth record for the state. four others having been previously reported (Merriam). These with the four reported by Mr. Mc- Gregor gives a total of nine White-throated Sparrows for California.--GEo. F.
BRENINGER, Phoenix, Arizona.