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Official Minutes of Southern I)ivision. The Divisiou met May 2 7 at the residence of Mr. H. J. Ieland in Los Angeles. The follow- ing were present: Messrs. McCormick, Dag- gert, Swarth, Leland, Chambers, Rising and Robertson. Messrs. McAuliffe aud Lapham were present as visitors. Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Moody of Pasadena were elected to nember- ship. The final design of a club crest, as drawn by Mr. Emerson was accepted. On mo- tion of Mr. McCormick it was agreed to amend the section of the Division's by-laws, changing the meeting night from the last Saturday to the last Thursday in the month. The treasur- er reported that there were a number of de- linquent members on his list and that he had sent notices to'each at different times but had received no replies. He was instructed to send one more notice to each delinquent noti- fying him of his arrears and stating that if a settlement was not made by the next meeting his name would be dropped from the member- ship roll. A communication from Mr. Mc- Gregor was read and a copy ordered filed. A letter from Earle D. Parker, formerly of Pasa- dena, containing his resignation was' read and the resignation accepted. The following pa- per was read: "Ornithology in the Sierra Nev- adas at 3700 ft. altitude." by C. Barlow. Ad- journed. JUNE. The June meeting was held at the residence of Mr. A. C. Moody, Pasadena, on June 2 9 . Mr. Daggett presided. The following were present: Mr. and Mrs. Moody, Messrs. Daggett, Reiser, Swarth and Robertson. The secretary was instructed to make a copy of all county ordinances relating to the protection of game and song birds that have been recently passed in this county and make a report at the next meeting. HOWARD ROBERTSON, Div. Secretary. Official Minutes of 1orthern Ilivision. The Division met at the resideuce of H. R. Taylor in Alameda, July I, Mr. Emerson in the chair. Messrs. Milton S. Ray, Ch6ster C. Lamb. E. V. Warren and N.M. Flower were elected to active membership. The names of W.H. Kobbe of Ft. Mason, San Francisco, and H. H. Sheldon of Alameda were proposed for membership. Bills to the amount of 3.86 were allowed. The following papers were read: "Winter Birds of the Lower Colorado Valley," by W. W. Price; "The Genus Junto in California" by H. B. Kaeding; "Another Chapter on the Nesting of the Hermit War- bier" by C. Barlow. C. BARLOW, Div. Secretary. As we go to pi'ess we learn of the retirement from the Osprey staff of Dr. Elliott Cones, Mr. Walter A. Johnson and Mr. L. A. Fuertes, leaving Dr. Theo. Gill to direct the destinies of the magazine. W'e are unable to learn whether or not Dr. Gill will continue to pub- lish the O,brey. PALO ALTO, CAL., JUNE I8, I899 , Fellow 3[embers of the Cooper Club; Under date of Oct. I, 1896 , circular No. 1 was sent to you setting forth our plan for the preparation of a list of California birds. County lists were to be sent to me not later than January of the next year that I as secre- tary of the State List Committee might pro- ceed at once to draw up our list. In a very short time I began to receive con- tributions and things looked well, but after the teuth list not another could I secure. have let the matter stand until this spring, when I got together what material was on hand and now I have that in good shape. I have decided to get up the water birds first, as that is what we most need and I believe the Club is able to have it printed. I shall use such of the material in Mr. Belding's mauu- script, "Water Birds of the Pacific District," as relates to Califoruia and any published notes that are available. I hope those who have any records on the water birds, especially extended local lists, will send them to me at once. I am now in a position to push the work rapidly and trust you will all do your part that we may have a good catalogue of water birds. Notes are especially desired on abundance, nesting dates and time of arrival and depart- ure. Give specific data as much .as possible and avoid generalized statements. Faithfully, RICHARD C. MCGREGOR. Publications Ileceived. Bird Lore, I, No. 3, June, i899. Jl'aine Sportsman, vI, Nos. 69 and 70, May and June, I899. Juseum v, Nos. 7 aud 8, May and June, I8q 9. Osprey III, No. 9, May, 1899. Oo[oist XVI, No. 5, May, I899. OrnithologischesJahrbuch IX, No. 1 tlant World II, Nos. 8 and 9, May and June, I80. Biological Socely of [Fashinton, Vol. XIII, (in part). orts .riffeld, No. 6, Jun% I899. lson Bulletin, No. 26, May, I899. MARRIED.---In San Francisco, June 6, I899, Miss Mildred Crew Brooke of Baltimore, to Theodore J. Hoover of Stanford University, Rev. E. B. Church, assistant rectdr of. Trinity Church, officiating. Mr. Hoover is a prominent member of the Cooper Club, and his numerous friends and club mates will join in tendering their hearty congratixlations and well wishes. JOHN'M. WILLARD of Oaklaud is spending two months on a collecting trip at the summit of the mountains of Lassen County in the in- terests of several Club members about the Bay. MR. LYMAN BELDING of Stockton has been rusticating on the McCloud River near Duns- nuir, Shasta Co., for several weeks, and we

hope has materially improved in health.

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