Bulletin of the Cooper Ornithological Club.
Official Minutes of Southern Division.
The Division met at the residence of Mr. Chas. E. Grosbeck in Altadens March 25, with Messrs. Doggert, Schneider, McCormick, Grosbeck, Simmons and Robertson present. Previous minutes were approved. A bill for 90 cents was allowed the secretary. A bill for $1.25 for typewriting MS. was referred to both Divisions for payment. The name of Mr. Geo. S. Chainbliss of Pasadena was proposed for membership. The matter of having a club crest as proposed by Mr. Emerson was adopted, the style, size etc. being left to be decided on by the President and Secretary after curresponding with the Northern Division. Adjourned.
The meeting of the Southern Division was held at the residence of Mr. F. S. Doggert. in Pasadena April 29 with the following members present: Messrs. Reiser, Tyler, Doggert, Leland, McCormick and Robertson. Mr. Fordyce Grinnell and Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Moody were present as visitors. The minutes of the previous meeting were approved. A bill for $1.25 for typewriting was ordered paid. Mr. Geo. S. Chainbliss of Pasadena was elected to membership. The names of Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Moody of Pasadena were proposed for membership. Adjourned.Howard Robertson, Division Sec'y.
Official Minutes of Northern Division.
The Division met March 2 at the home of H. C. Ward in Alameda with ten members present and Dr. Ingalls and Mr. H. B. Torrey as visitors. The names of Wm. L. Atkinson of Santa Clara and H. B. Torrey of Berkeley were proposed for active membership. A bill for postage amounting to $1.24 was allowed the secretary. Southern Division minutes for January and February were read and filed. The following papers were read: "Capture of a California Condor" by H. G. Rising of the Southern Division; "Coming of the Mockingbird" by W. O. Enterson; "Summer Resident Warblers of Arizona" by O. W. Howard of Southern Division; "Nesting of Audubon's Hermit Thrush of the Sierras" by Lyman Belding; "Capture of a Rabbit by a Golden Eagle" by Wm L. Atkinson. W. Otto Emerson presented a sketch to be used as an electrotype for imprinting the stationery of Club members and official publications of the Club, the same consisting of a shield on which is figured a Californian Quail and an artistic hummingbird's nest and eggs, together with the name of the Club. This was adopted subject to the voice of the Southern Division. Adjourned.
The Division met May 6 at the residence of C. Barlow in San Jose. Wm. L. Atkinson of Santa Clara and H. B. Torrey of Berkeley were elected to active membership. A design for a club crest as drawn by Mr. Elnerson was finally decided upon. A bill for $1.29 current postage was allowed. The following names were proposed for active membership to be elected at the next meeting: Milton S. Ray, San Francisco; N. M. Flower, Copperopolis; Chester C. Lamb, Berkeley and E. V. Warren, Pacific Grove. A letter was read from R. C. McGregor, secretary of the State List Committee urging all members to send MS. of county lists. The work was commenced in 1895 and will now be pushed through rapidly by Mr. McGregor. Southern Division reports of March 25 and April 29 were read. A biographical sketch of J. Maurice Hatch, a deceased member of the Southern Division was read. Several papers were read after which the meeting adjourned to again convene at Alaumda on July 1.C. Barlow, Division Secretary.
Publications Received.
Auk, XVI, No. 2, April, 1899.
Bird Lore, I, No. 2, April, 1899.
Bulletin of the Michigan Ornithological Club, III, No. 1, Jan. 1899.
Journal of the Maine Ornithological Society, I, No. 2, April, 1899.
Maine Sportsman, VI, No. 68, April, 1899.
Museum, V, Nos. 5 and 6, March and April, 1899.
Oologist, XVI, Nos. 3 and 4, March and April, 1899.
Ornithologisches Jahrbuch, IX, No. 4.
Osprey, III, Nos. 5, 6, 7 and 8, Jan.-April, 1899.
Plant World, II, No. 7, April, 1899.
Wilson Bulletin, No. 25, March, 1899.
Mr. Walter F.. Webb of Albion, N. Y. informs us that he has secured an egg of the California Vulture from California, taken on March 7 last, which is considerably earlier than the average nesting date.
Mr. Henry C. Johnson, whose contributions from Utah will be noticed in the Bulletin, is an active member of the Cooper Club, having joined during his several years' residence in California, the Club's constitution permitting the retention of membership where a member leaves the state.
Mr. Frank H. Lattin of Albion, N.Y. graduated from the Medical Department of the University of Buffalo on April 25, and his numerous friends on the coast will wish him as bright a career as a medico as he has attained in the capacity of editor of the Oologist. The Oologist will doubtless be published regularly as heretofore.
Mr. W. Edgar Taylor of Ruston, La., announces the early publication of the Gulf Fauna and Flora Bulletin as a bi-monthly of not less than thirty pages, at the subscription price of $2.50 per year. The Bulletin will be primarily one for biologists "devoted to the biological interests of the Gulf section." Its scope apparently extends over a field which no current journal has yet attempted to cover entirely.