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contract," which was most amazing news to the average delegate on either side, and which would have seemed to make the entire debate unnecessary. There was no time to consult a lawyer on this legal point. The ayes and nays were called for, and a roll call was had. The ayes were declared in a majority, and so the action at St. Louis was ratified. Official information on the subject will doubtless be furnished every State President. Historical Evening. Brief mention has been made of the Historian General's address and report, but gives no adequate idea of this most interesting and far-reaching feature of our work. The general plan of study issued by the Historian General and published in the Veteran through the year had been carried out suc- cessfully in nearly every State Division, and the prizes awarded Chapters, adults, and children showed a fine diver- sity that speaks well for the awakened interest in history and literature, and is an encouragement to Southern writers to persevere until they obtain the recognition from publishers and the general public to which they are entitled. Children of the Confederacy. Under the leadership of Mrs. W. E. Massey, Third Vice President General, the organization of Children's Chapters has made splendid progress, and the work of these Chapters was evidenced in the State Presidents' reports, showing a marked progress that argues well for the future. The award of merit to the State Director reporting the largest number of children registered was won by North Carolina, with Texas second. The Florence Goalder Farris medal, offered for the best essay on "The Orphan Brigade of Kentucky," was won by a North Carolina boy, with a Texas boy receiving "hon- orable mention." So the Old North State and the Lone Star State were in friendly but close rivalry on two counts. Southern Women in War Times. The book, "Southern Women in War Times," was reported by the committee in charge as very popular where known, but not receiving as great publicity or sale as it should. At St. Louis, in 1921, the U. D. C. pledged themselves to sell ten thousand copies, believing this would be a most effective way to let the world know of the patriotism and heroism of the women of the South. Could we pay higher tribute to the memory of our mol hers than to help in this distribution? We were urged to place the book in libraries and use for Christ- mas gifts. Memorial. Memorial Hour, in charge of Mrs. Hyde, of Tennessee, with many "special memorials," by speakers and writers of ability, and with appropriate music beautifully rendered, was a sacred hour appealing to all hearts, for to most of us the entire work of the United Daughters of the Confederacy is a me- morial to father or mother. The list grows longer each year, the names of many dear coworker receiving the tributes of love and tears. "They have reached a fairer region Far away, far away. " The Arlington Amphitheater. The Arlington Amphiteater controversy still hangs fire, but is in the hands of a diplomatic committee who hope to achieve results. War Records Committee and Insignia for Confeder- ate Descendants in World War. Mrs. J. A. Rountree, Chairman of War Records Committee and Insignia for Confederate Descendants in the World War, reported splendidly progressive work. The design for the insignia to be awarded World War soldiers of Confederate lineage, was adopted, and several thousand will be made, the plan of bestowal to be decided later. On the very attractive programs issued appeared a session to be held in the White House at Montgomery. Several chairmen were in a flutter of anticipation that they should be permitted to make their reports in such a historic place. The "powers that be" ruled that such session would be uncon- stitutional, as well as consuming too much time from business, so it was abandoned. The hospitable Daughters of Alabama, however arranged an excursion to Montgomery after the con- ventioned closed, of which many took advantage. With social courtesies — official, unofficial, and general in their nature — Birmingham kept open house. A most enjoyable feature, which was inaugurated in St. Louis, was carried out most elaborately in Birmingham — that of a groups of local worm n being luncheon hostesses for each State. This plan is most excellent as well as enjoyable, and bids fair to become a regu- lar custom. Also, the inauguration of a State Presidents' dinner, sug- gested by the capable little President of Alabama. Mrs. Huey, is a splendid "get-acquainted-carly " move, and will doubt- less be a regular feature in the future. The President General was guest of honor, as was Mrs. Cornelia Branch Stone, and a few distinguished Alabamians. A unique feature was the presentation of a wonderful cake to Mrs. Schuyler, the artistic maker of which stated that the pan had been used but once before, to make a cake for President Wilson. She had never in- tended it to be used again, but the ability of Mrs. Schuyler had so impressed her that she had requested permission to bake one for her. The decorations were the three official flags of the Confederacy and the insignia of the United Daughters of the Confederacy, all perfectly reproduced in color, unique, artis- tic, and a tribute worthily bestowed and applauded bj the whole convention when it was exhibited. Prizes Awarded on Historical Evening. The Raines Banner went to the North Carolina Division for the largest collection of papers and historical records. The Rose Loving Cup, for the best essay on Sidney Lanier, was awarded to Mrs. Nellie C. Ellerbcc, of South Carolina. The Anna Robinson Andrews Medal, for best review of the book, "Women of the South in War Times," went to Miss Marion Jones, of South Carolina. The Mildred Rutherford Medal was awarded to the Colo- rado Division, and the Roberts Medal to Miss Bonnie Eloise Mauney, of North Carolina. The Hyde Medal was awarded to Miss Ruby S. Thorn- berry, of Florida, for best essay on "The Alabama." The Orren Randolph Smith Medal was won by Miss Be- atrice Van Court Mcegan, Washington, D. C, for best essay on "The Causes of Secession." The Leonora St. George Rogers Schuyler prize was award- ed to Miss Edith Pope, of Tennessee, for best essay on "Lee at Lexington." The Carter Prize was won by the Georgia Division. The $75 Prize given by Mrs. Sanford C. Hunt, Presi- dent of the Mississippi Division, to the State sending in the greatest number of new members, was won by the Georgia Division. As this prize was not listed, it was not presented

on Historical Evening, but later privately.

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